Tibetan monks create sand mandala on annual visit to Placerville

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Each year, the Gaden Shartse Monastery in southern India sends a group of its Tibetan monks on a tour of the United States that includes a stay in Placerville.

This year’s delegation of six monks arrived Thursday and will remain until Jan. 15, participating in a variety of events and activities that highlight Tibetan culture and the practices of Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan monks create sand mandala on annual visit to Placerville

The monks are in residence at the Cozmic Cafe on Main Street in Placerville, where they are constructing a colorful, intricate sand mandala.

Their visit, sponsored by the Placerville Friends of Tibet, was extended from one week to two this year in response to the strong attendance at their events, which include a cultural night of song, dance and debate at the Cameron Park Community Center on Jan. 11.

Tibetan monks create sand mandala on annual visit to Placerville
Source: sacbee.com (Jan. 3, 2014)