Message of The Supreme Patriarch of National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha

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Dear Dharma brothers, Sangha members and lay devotees, 

Today in a cordial atmosphere, we are Buddhists who represent all Buddhist schools from all over the world, being here in order to celebrate the United Nations Day of Vesak 2014 (BE. 2558). 

On behalf of National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and myself, I wish all of you peace, happiness and achievement of Buddha’s works.

Over 2,638 years ago, Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini garden, India (now it is in Nepal). Throughout his enlightenment, teachings and liberating all beings, the Buddha has left us the priceless message of wisdom, compassion, non-violence and harmony. With great significance, on 19 Dec 1999 the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution recognising the Vesak day as the triple celebrations of the Birth, Enlightenment, and Passing away of the Buddha. This is the international religious cultural celebrations for world peace. 

Responding to the activities of the United Nations, the Vietnamese Government and the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha successfully celebrated the United Nations Day of Vesak 2008 in sixty four provinces. This year, once again, with the support of the Government of Vietnam and the International Council for Day of Vesak (earlier known as International Organising Committee for UN Day of Vesak), National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha has an honor to  be the host for the 11th UN Day of Vesak.

Celebrating the UN Day of Vesak 2014 in Vietnam is a good chance for our country as well as Vietnamese Buddhist community to work in collaboration with the International Buddhist Community for spreading Buddhadharma and promoting research in Buddhist Studies for the sake of all human beings.

Over 2,000 years have passed Buddhism has became main Religion in Vietnam. The central theme of Vesak celebrations this year is “Buddhist Perspective towards Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals”. I believe that in this celebrations, all monastic members and lay-followers in our country, as well as from foreign countries, will have a good chance to share intellectual and spiritual experiences among distinguished scholars and practitioners from all over the world.

You are invited to participate in various activities of the celebrations such as chanting and prayer for world peace, candle-lit procession, Buddhist cultural performances, Buddhist art exhibition and ecological tour to see cultural heritages of Buddhism in Vietnam. These significant celebrations show our respect to our Buddha on the occasion of his Birthday, Enlightenment and Passing away.

On behalf of National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, I would like to thank you for your participation. I pray our Buddha for world peace and happiness for all beings. I wish you achieving all Buddhist works.

His Holiness Thích Phổ Tuệ

Supreme Patriarch of National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha

