6th Asian Youth Day - Welcoming message from Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario

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Dear Young Friends of Asia, In the name of Jesus, who loves you so much, I personally welcome and invite each one of you to participate in the great event of the 6Th Asian Youth Day, to be celebrated in August this year in Daejeon, Korea! I am extremely glad to share exceedingly good news that our beloved Holy Father, Pope Francis, with his gracious presence, will bless this event organized by the Youth Desk of Office of the Laity and Family of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC).

This Asian Youth Day, like the previous ones, will be a very effective gathering for you, youths of Asia, to come together to reflect, to deepen and to interiorize the message of the AYD theme: ASIAN YOUTH! WAKE UP! The glory of the martyrs shines on you! This tri-yearly Asian youth event will also bring to you occasions and opportunities to exchange your views, share your life as Christian and to pray together. I would like to invite you to

   • remember the roots of our faith
   • re-discover the faith (values) that we have lost
   • walk together, in the world of today, as witnesses, with Jesus and the martyrs

during your spiritual journey and pilgrimage of the Asian Youth day.

We wholeheartedly welcome the Holy Father to this jubilant Asian Youth Day. We felicitate with high appreciation the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea for making the Holy Father’s presence possible in the AYD. And of course, our sincere gratitude goes to Most Reverend Bishop Lazzaro You Heungsik, the bishop of Daejeon and his team for hosting the 6Th Asian Youth Day 2014.

We hope to see each other in Daejeon, Korea. May our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest of all martyrs, encourage you to ‘take up your daily cross to follow him’. May his Mother and our Mother protect you with her love and affection! While waiting for the event let us also pray that the Holy Spirit will shine upon all of us.

God bless you!

6th Asian Youth Day - Welcoming message from Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario 6th Asian Youth Day - Welcoming message from Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario
Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario, CSC
FABC Office of the Laity & Family- Youth Desk

6th Asian Youth Day - Prayer

Dear Jesus and Good Lord, 

How wonderful is your love for me! Deep down in my heart, I know you to be the best friend forever! I do not know why, but I do feel an intimacy with you! Please help me Lord, to be more intimate with you and to know the power and mystery of your love. You love me, and so you carried the cross; you love me, and so you died on the cross; you love me, and so you want to give me a share in the joy and glory of your resurrection. Help me to carry my cross daily and follow you. Give me courage to be a martyr in my thoughts, in my desires, in what I do and think. Make my faith and trust in you strong and constant. Help me, dear Jesus, to see and experience how the glory of the martyrs shines on me as an Asian. Through the intercessions of the Asian martyrs, enable me, as well as all the Asian young Christians, to herald your Good News anywhere we go, under all circumstances. This I ask of you, my dear Savior and friend, through your Most Holy Name! Amen!

Source: ww.ayd2014.org
