
  • Qi (Chi): The Taoist Principle of Life Force

    Qi (Chi): The Taoist Principle of Life Force

    8/29/2022 10:32:55 AM

    Central to Taoist worldview and practice is qi (chi). Literally, the word qi means "breath," 'air" or "gas, but figuratively, qi is life-force—that which animates the forms of the world. 

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  • To My Fellow Hindus of the West

    To My Fellow Hindus of the West

    8/26/2022 9:47:30 AM

    A call to second-generation Indians in the United States and elsewhere to do their part to help sustain our great religion and pass it on to subsequent generations

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  • Sikhism Matrimonial Dos and Don`ts

    Sikhism Matrimonial Dos and Don'ts

    8/15/2022 10:35:54 AM

    This handy guide of eleven Sikhism matrimonial dos and don’ts provides a basic overview of Sikh wedding customs at a glance. 

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  • Educational Insight: Pancha Ganapati (continue)

    Educational Insight: Pancha Ganapati (continue)

    8/12/2022 11:13:07 AM

    The Family Festival of Giving in Five Days

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  • Educational Insight: Pancha Ganapati

    Educational Insight: Pancha Ganapati

    8/10/2022 10:53:05 AM

    Think of Pancha Ganapati as the Hindu Christmas, a modern winter holiday full of family-centered happenings, but with five days of gifts for the kids, not just one. 

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  • Nepal’s Grand Mela to Lord Vishnu (continue)

    Nepal’s Grand Mela to Lord Vishnu (continue)

    7/11/2022 10:46:01 AM

    Join us for a month-long celebration of sadhana in Nepalís Kathmandu Valley (continue)

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  • Nepal’s Grand Mela to Lord Vishnu

    Nepal’s Grand Mela to Lord Vishnu

    7/6/2022 10:31:38 AM

    Join us for a month-long celebration of sadhana in Nepalís Kathmandu Valley

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  • Sexual violence in conflict: Overlooked, under-reported and in danger of being “normalized”

    Sexual violence in conflict: Overlooked, under-reported and in danger of being “normalized”

    6/27/2022 8:41:34 AM

    As crises proliferate and conflicts drag on, more women and girls are telling UNFPA that violence against them is becoming “normalized”

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  • Saraswati: The Vedic Goddess of Knowledge and Arts

    Saraswati: The Vedic Goddess of Knowledge and Arts

    6/24/2022 10:31:13 AM

    Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and nature, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants directed to her, called the 'Saraswati Vandana' often begin and end Vedic lessons.

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  • Pitri-Paksha - Annual Ancestral Worship

    Pitri-Paksha - Annual Ancestral Worship

    6/22/2022 10:40:45 AM

    The annual ancestor-worship or 'Pitri-Paksha' is a period that is observed during the dark half of the Hindu month of 'Ashwin.' This period of 15 days is set aside by the Hindus for the remembrance of their ancestors. 

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  • 6 Surprising Facts About Hindu Culture and Hinduism

    6 Surprising Facts About Hindu Culture and Hinduism

    6/8/2022 9:47:38 AM

    Hinduism is a unique faith, and not really a religion at all--at least not in the same way as other religions. To be precise, Hinduism is a way of life, a dharma. Dharma does not mean religion, but rather it is the law that governs all action. Thus, contrary to popular perception, Hinduism is not a religion in the traditional sense of the term. 

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  • The Living Goddess of Nepal

    The Living Goddess of Nepal

    5/23/2022 10:18:05 AM

    The Himalayan kingdom of Nepal is not only the land of many mountain peaks but also many Gods and Goddess, unique among all of them being the living, breathing goddess – Kumari Devi, a deified young girl. 

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  • The Meridian System: Channels of Awareness

    The Meridian System: Channels of Awareness

    5/18/2022 10:33:08 AM

    Like a network of rivers nourishing a landscape, the meridians are the channels through which qi (chi) flows, to nourish and energize the human body. These channels exist within the subtle body. 

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  • Right Livelihood: The Ethics of Earning a Living

    Right Livelihood: The Ethics of Earning a Living

    5/11/2022 10:04:29 AM

    Most of us sustain ourselves by working at a job and earning a paycheck. Your job may be something you love doing, or not. You may see yourself as serving humanity, or not. People may admire you for your profession. 

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  • Letting It Go

    Letting It Go

    5/2/2022 10:21:05 AM

    How much of our lives do we waste stewing about things we can't change? Or fumingworryingregretting, ruminating or sometimes avoiding? How much happier would we be if we could just learn to let go? Does Buddhist practice help us learn to let go?

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  • India’s Educational Heritage

    India’s Educational Heritage

    4/27/2022 9:09:03 AM

    If you aren’t already aware that the modern university originated in India, Sahana Singh’s book Revisiting the Educational Heritage of India will be an eye-opener. She explores this idea and more in great depth with a plethora of evidence, so elegantly composed as to be, as they say, “unputdownable.”

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  • What Is a Latke?

    What Is a Latke?

    4/20/2022 8:35:28 AM

    Latkes are potato pancakes that are perhaps best known as traditional Hanukkah food. Made with potatoes, onion and matzah or breadcrumbs, these crispy treats symbolize the miracle of Hanukkah because they are fried in oil. 

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  • The Hindu Mahalaya Celebration

    The Hindu Mahalaya Celebration

    4/18/2022 8:46:19 AM

    Come autumn and Hindus all over the world get infused with festive fervor. For Bengalis, Mahalaya is the signal to make final preparations for their greatest festival called Durga Puja.

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  • 10 Thanksgiving Ideas for Christian Families

    10 Thanksgiving Ideas for Christian Families

    4/12/2022 8:42:53 AM

    Are you looking for ways to enrich your time together as a family this Thanksgiving holiday? Here are a few simple ideas to express thanks to God as a family in unique and creative ways on Thanksgiving Day.


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  • Unusual Temples & Shrines of India

    Unusual Temples & Shrines of India

    3/30/2022 9:31:42 AM

    Every hindu temple is a home of its deities, where they live just like we live in our homes, following a set routine through the day and celebrating special occasions around the year.

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  • Religious Fasting in Hinduism

    Religious Fasting in Hinduism

    2/28/2022 9:55:24 AM

    Fasting in Hinduism indicates the denial of the physical needs of the body for the sake of spiritual gains. According to the scriptures, fasting helps create an attunement with the Absolute by establishing a harmonious relationship between the body and the soul. This is thought to be imperative for the well-being of a human being as it nourishes both his/her physical and spiritual demands.

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  • Hindu Wedding Rituals 13 Steps of a Vedic Marriage Ceremony

    Hindu Wedding Rituals 13 Steps of a Vedic Marriage Ceremony

    2/21/2022 10:13:10 AM

    Hindu wedding rituals may vary in detail depending on which part of India the bride and the groom come from. Notwithstanding regional variations and diversity of languages, culture, and customs, the basic tenets of a Hindu marriage are common throughout the Indian subcontinent. 

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  • Tutorial on How to Wrap a Sari

    Tutorial on How to Wrap a Sari

    2/16/2022 10:45:15 AM

    sari (sometimes called a saree) is a traditional garme


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  • <div class=noidunghover><p class=tieudehover>Hinduism`s 4 Yugas, or Ages</p></div>");' onmouseout="hidetip();">Hinduism's 4 Yugas, or Ages

    2/14/2022 11:04:20 AM

    According to Hindu scriptures and mythology, the current universe is destined to pass through four great epochs, each of which is a complete cycle of cosmic creation and destruction. Hindu mythology deals with numbers large enough to be nearly impossible to imagine.

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  • Pitri-Paksha - Annual Ancestral Worship

    Pitri-Paksha - Annual Ancestral Worship

    1/26/2022 10:26:24 AM

    The annual ancestor-worship or 'Pitri-Paksha' is a period that is observed during the dark half of the Hindu month of 'Ashwin.' This period of 15 days is set aside by the Hindus for the remembrance of their ancestors.

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  • The Hindu Onam Legend

    The Hindu Onam Legend

    1/17/2022 11:13:34 AM

    Onam is a traditional Hindu harvest festival celebrated in the Indian state of Kerala and other places where the Malayalam language is spoken. It is celebrated with numerous festivities, such as boat races, tiger dances, and flower arranging.

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  • The Meaning of Sikhism Term ``Paath``

    The Meaning of Sikhism Term "Paath"

    1/12/2022 9:32:26 AM

    "Paath" sounds like pot with the tongue curled back to touch the roof of the mouth while aspirating the th.

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  • Romantic Love and Marriage in the Buddhist Tradition

    Romantic Love and Marriage in the Buddhist Tradition

    1/10/2022 10:53:26 AM

    Many religions have a lot to say about love and marriage. Christianity even speaks of "holy matrimony," and Catholicism regards marriage as a sacrament. What does Buddhism say about love and marriage?

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  • Amrit, the Sikh Baptism Ceremony

    Amrit, the Sikh Baptism Ceremony

    1/7/2022 10:46:46 AM

    Amrit, the Sikh ceremony of rebirth takes place in a clean and secluded location at any chosen time. To begin the Khalsa initiation ceremony, a Sikh attendant carries the Guru Granth to a low draped platform.

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  • Hindu parents should teach their children to be both knowledgeable and proud of their religion

    Hindu parents should teach their children to be both knowledgeable and proud of their religion

    1/3/2022 10:31:33 AM

    I was fortunate to be born in an Indian Hindu family that is proud of its culture and religion. 

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