
  • Why and When Do Muslim Girls Wear the Hijab?

    Why and When Do Muslim Girls Wear the Hijab?

    12/31/2021 10:13:45 AM

    The hijab is a veil worn by some Muslim women in Muslim countries where the main religion is Islam, but also in the Muslim diaspora, countries where Muslim people are minority populations. Wearing or not wearing a hijab is part religion, part culture, part political statement, even part fashion, and most of the time it is a personal choice made by a woman based on the intersection of all four.

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  • The Red Thread of Judaism

    The Red Thread of Judaism

    12/29/2021 10:24:26 AM

    If you’ve ever been to Israel or spotted a Kabbalah-loving celebrity, chances are you’ve seen the ever-popular red thread or kabbalah bracelet. Dangling from a stroller or tied around the wrist, adorned with charms or simply plain, the red string has many origin points and mysterious meanings. 

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  • Ancestor Worship in Pagan Cultures

    Ancestor Worship in Pagan Cultures

    8/9/2021 9:49:57 AM

    The concept of ancestor worship is not a new one for many Pagans today. Ancient cultures often venerated those who came before them, and even now, in our contemporary society, it’s not uncommon at all to find celebrations that honor the ancestors in a variety of different ways.

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  • Jewish Handwashing Rituals

    Jewish Handwashing Rituals

    7/9/2021 10:24:55 AM

    In Jewish custom, handwashing is more than good hygienic practice. Required before eating a meal at which bread is served, handwashing is a mainstay in the religious Jewish world beyond the dining room table. 

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  • Holy Cows: Hinduism`s Blessed Bovines

    Holy Cows: Hinduism's Blessed Bovines

    6/25/2021 10:28:50 PM

    As the sheep is to Christianity, the cow is to Hinduism. Lord Krishna was a cowherd, and the bull is depicted as the vehicle of Lord Shiva. Today the cow has almost become a symbol of Hinduism.

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  • The Importance of the ``Hadith`` for Muslims

    The Importance of the "Hadith" for Muslims

    6/19/2021 8:08:24 AM

    The term hadith (pronounced ha-DEETH) refers to any of the various collected accountings of the words, actions, and habits of the Prophet Mohammad during his lifetime. In the Arabic language, the term means "report," "account" or "narrative;" the plural is ahadith.

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  • Hindu Wedding Rituals

    Hindu Wedding Rituals

    6/2/2021 9:44:13 AM

    Hindu wedding rituals may vary in detail depending on which part of India the bride and the groom come from. Notwithstanding regional variations and diversity of languages, culture, and customs, the basic tenets of a Hindu marriage are common throughout the Indian subcontinent. 

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  • The Religious Implications of Shaving in Judaism

    The Religious Implications of Shaving in Judaism

    5/19/2021 10:10:02 AM

    The laws about shaving in Judaism are diverse and detailed and different communities observe different customs. But are Jewish men required to have beards?

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  • Samurai Zen

    Samurai Zen

    5/17/2021 11:23:13 AM

    One of the things "everybody knows" about Japanese history is that the famous samurai warriors were "into" Zen. But is that true, or false?

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  • Bindi: The Great Indian Forehead Art

    Bindi: The Great Indian Forehead Art

    5/14/2021 10:11:51 AM

    The bindi is arguably the most visually fascinating of all forms of body decoration. 

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  • What`s a Segulah?

    What's a Segulah?

    5/10/2021 10:07:02 AM

    If you've ever been to a Jewish simcha (celebration) of any kind, you've probably noticed certain traditions or interesting quirks that seem a bit hokey.

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  • The Four Laava: the Sikh Wedding Hymns

    The Four Laava: the Sikh Wedding Hymns

    5/7/2021 10:17:48 AM

    The four hymns of Laav are performed during the four nuptial rounds of the Sikh wedding ceremony. Each Laav describes a different spiritual stage of married life, ending with the soul-bride and divine groom realizing their ultimate destiny as one soul.

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  • The Symbolic Meaning of Candles in Judaism

    The Symbolic Meaning of Candles in Judaism

    5/5/2021 8:48:35 AM

    Candles have deep symbolic meaning in Judaism and are used on a wide variety of religious occasions.

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  • Lord Kartikeya

    Lord Kartikeya

    5/3/2021 8:48:55 AM

    The Hindu God known variously as Murugan, Subramaniam, Sanmukha or Skanda

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  • Ten Famous Buddhas: Where They Came From; What They Represent

    Ten Famous Buddhas: Where They Came From; What They Represent

    4/28/2021 9:56:55 AM

    Where ten  famous Buddhas came from; What they represent?

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  • Guide to Anand Karaj, the Sikh Wedding Ceremony

    Guide to Anand Karaj, the Sikh Wedding Ceremony

    4/26/2021 9:19:43 AM

    Program Guide for Anand Karaj, the Sikh Wedding Ceremony

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  • All About Important Life Events of Sikhism

    All About Important Life Events of Sikhism

    4/23/2021 10:01:08 AM

    All About Sikhism Customs and Ceremonies

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  • The Hamsa Hand and What It Represents. This Protective Talisman Guards Against Evil

    The Hamsa Hand and What It Represents. This Protective Talisman Guards Against Evil

    4/19/2021 9:53:05 AM

    The hamsa, or hamsa hand, is a talisman from the ancient Middle East. In its most common form, the amulet is shaped like a hand with three extended fingers in the middle and a curved thumb or pinky finger on either side. It is thought to protect against the “evil eye." 

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  • Vesak: Most Sacred Holy Day of Theravada Buddhism

    Vesak: Most Sacred Holy Day of Theravada Buddhism

    4/16/2021 9:35:23 AM

    Vesak is the most sacred holy day of Theravada Buddhism. Also called Visakha Puja or Wesak, Vesak is an observation of the birth, enlightenment, and death (parinirvana) of the historical Buddha.

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  • 8 Types of Hindu Marriage in the Laws of Manu

    8 Types of Hindu Marriage in the Laws of Manu

    4/14/2021 9:02:07 AM

    The Laws of Manu (Manusmriti) is considered to be one of the standard religious texts for Hindus. Also called the Manava Dharma Shastra, it is regarded as a supplemental text to the Vedas and is an authoritative source of guidance for the norms of domestic and religious living for ancient Hindus. 

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  • Ramadan Mubarak and Other Ramadan Greetings

    Ramadan Mubarak and Other Ramadan Greetings

    4/12/2021 11:04:22 AM

    During Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Muslim faithful greet one another by saying, "Ramadan Mubarak." This greeting, which means "Blessed Ramadan," is just one traditional way that people welcome friends and passersby alike during this holy time. 

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  • Marriage and Weddings in Judaism

    Marriage and Weddings in Judaism

    4/9/2021 9:48:58 AM

    Judaism views marriage as the ideal human state. Both the Torah and the Talmud view a man without a wife, or a woman without a husband, as incomplete. 

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  • Classical Indian Musical Instrument Resources

    Classical Indian Musical Instrument Resources

    4/7/2021 10:58:21 AM

    Kirtan is a tradition established by First Guru Nanak and his minstrel companion Bhai Mardana. Traditional instruments used to perform Kirtan are an integral aspect of the Sikh worship service which is musical in nature.

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  • The Bhagavad-Gita - Introduction and Chapter Summaries

    The Bhagavad-Gita - Introduction and Chapter Summaries

    4/5/2021 10:14:13 AM

    During the centuries in which Buddhism was establishing itself in the east of India, the older Brahmanism in the west was undergoing the changes which resulted in the Hinduism which is now the prevailing religion of India. 

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  • Hindu Wedding Rituals

    Hindu Wedding Rituals

    3/31/2021 9:16:33 AM

    Hindu wedding rituals may vary in detail depending on which part of India the bride and the groom come from. 13 Steps of a Vedic Marriage Ceremony

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  • <div class=noidunghover><p class=tieudehover>The Ganges: Hinduism`s Holy River Why the Ganges Is Considered Sacred</p></div>");' onmouseout="hidetip();">The Ganges: Hinduism's Holy River Why the Ganges Is Considered Sacred

    3/26/2021 9:54:50 AM

    The River Ganges, running for more than 1500 miles across some of the most densely populated areas in Asia, is perhaps the most religiously significant body of water in the world. The river is considered to be sacred and spiritually pure, though it is also one of the most polluted rivers on earth.

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  • Blessings of a Hindu Wedding

    Blessings of a Hindu Wedding

    3/24/2021 10:56:59 AM

    The Hindu marriage ceremony, a rite known as samskara, has many components. It is quite beautiful, highly specific, and it is filled with chanting, Sanskrit blessings, and ritual that is thousands of years old. In India, a Hindu wedding can last weeks or days. In the West, a Hindu wedding typically is at least two hours long.


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  • The Taoist Altar

    The Taoist Altar

    3/17/2021 10:03:28 AM

    Central to ceremonial forms of Taoist practice is the Taoist altar—the external representation of both Taoist cosmology and of the Internal Alchemical processes the practitioner undergoes on the path to Immortality. 

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  • Vesak: Most Sacred Holy Day of Theravada Buddhism

    Vesak: Most Sacred Holy Day of Theravada Buddhism

    3/15/2021 11:06:03 AM

    Vesak is the most sacred holy day of Theravada Buddhism. Also called Visakha Puja or Wesak, Vesak is an observation of the birth, enlightenment, and death (parinirvana) of the historical Buddha.

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  • Simchat Bat. Naming Ceremonies for Jewish Girls

    Simchat Bat. Naming Ceremonies for Jewish Girls

    3/12/2021 10:13:02 AM

    Its a girl! When do you name her? When should you throw the party? After eight days, two weeks, a month? As opposed to a brit, circumcision, of a boy on the eighth day, there are no explicit rituals for a girl. Instead, there are customs for a Simchat Bat, celebration of a birth of a daughter.

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