Day of Friendship between Copts and Catholics

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Day of Friendship between Copts and CatholicsTo mark the Day of Friendship between Copts and Catholics, celebrated yearly on 10 May to commemorate the historical encounter between Pope Paul VI and Pope Shenouda III on 10 May 1973, Pope Francis sent a letter to Pope Tawadros II expressing joy for the spiritual bonds between the see of Saint Peter and that of Saint Mark. “Friendship is the surest way to achieve unity between Christians, for therein we see the face of Christ himself, who calls us no longer servants but friends (cf. Jn 15:15) and who prays that ‘they may all be one’ (Jn 17:21)".

For the occasion, on 8 May 2022 Reverend Father Hyacinthe Destivelle, OP, Official of the PCPCU, attended the Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint George in Rome to take part in the liturgy and to express best wishes to His Excellency Barnaba El Soryani, Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Italy, and to his community.

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