In memoriam Reverend Monsignor Mark Langham
The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity mourns the death of Monsignor Mark Langham, who was an official of the Council from 2008–13 responsible for relations with Anglicans and Methodists, and also for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Monsignor Langham was born in London and studied Classics at Cambridge (1979–83). He was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Westminster in 1990, and served as Administrator of Westminster Cathedral until 2008 when he was appointed to the Pontifical Council. During his five years in the office he was deeply involved in efforts to enable the establishment of the third phase of the Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission, which he served as Co-Secretary (2011–13). As Co–Secretary to the Methodist–Roman Catholic International Commission (2008–12) he worked on the production of its ninth report, Encountering Christ the Saviour: Church and Sacraments (2011).
A talented musician, artist, linguist and writer Monsignor Langham shared his many gifts with colleagues at the Pontifical Council. During his time in Rome he completed a doctorate at the Gregorian University for which he was awarded the Bellarmino Prize and which was later published as The Caroline Divines and the Church of Rome: A Contribution to Current Ecumenical Dialogue (2019). After being appointed as chaplain of Cambridge University in 2013 he continued to give his considerable learning and abilities to ecumenical work, and last year contributed to an Anglican Centre, Rome, webinar on the work of ARCIC III. Monsignor Langham passed away on 15 January after a long battle with cancer.