Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

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Today, Jesus confronts us with the social iniquity direct consequence of the growing inequality between rich and poor. As if belonging to one of these awful scenes we are used to watch on TV, the Lazarus' yarn hits us, and achieves the sensationalist effect to prompt our emotions: «Even dogs used to come and lick his sores» (Lk 16:21). The difference is obvious: the rich man was dressing in purple and fine linen clothes, while the sores covering him were the poor man's only dress.

But the situation is balanced when both die. And, it is now when the difference is reversed: one takes his place with Abraham; while the other, is simple inhumed. If we had never heard this story before and we would like to apply the values of our present society, we might reason out that who reached into Heaven was the rich man and the poor one, logically, buried in the sepulchre...


Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)

Gospel by pictures of Sunday XXVI in Ordinary Time (Sep. 29, 2013)


Pictures: Josthanh