Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

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We see both genealogies, in Matthew's and Luke's Gospels. Jesus Christ son of Abraham, son of David. Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah announced His Advent and described the features of His Ministry. But Saint John the Baptist, as can be seen in his liturgy (Preface of his feast day), would be the one to point him out to the world, and the privilege of Baptizing our Lord went —mysteriously!— to him. His was to be the very last testimony before Jesus' arrival. And he gave it with his life, with his death and with his word. His birth was also announced, like that of Jesus, and was prepared, as seen in Luke’s Gospel (chapts. 1 and 2). And his death, as a martyr, victim of a king's weakness and of a wicked woman's hatred, also prepared the way for that of Jesus. This is why, he receives the most extraordinary praise from Jesus himself, which can be read in Matthew's and Luke's Gospels (cf. Mt 11:11; Lk 7:28): "I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John". 

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Gospel in pictures: Sunday 3th (C) of Advent

Pictures: Jothanh