Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

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Today's Jesus speaks to us of the definite judgment. And with this metaphoric image about sheep and goats, He makes us realize that it will be a judgment of love. "We shall be judged on love", St. John of the Cross tells us.

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)


Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Whenever you did this to these little ones (...): Gospel by pictures Sunday 34th in Ordinary Time: Christ the King (A)

Pictures: Josthanh