Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

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Sunday Gospel: Jn 2, 1-11

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)


Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Wedding at Cana in Galilee: Gospel by pictures of Sunday II in Ordinary Time (20 Jan. 2013)

Pictures: Josthanh