The Church needs to ensure that they have proper support to find a rightful place in society and the state
Becoming “bridges and bridge-builders” is the image that best describes the mission of the Church of Asia and the Good News that we bring to our peoples and the rest of the world.
Anne Balista is preparing to receive baptism on the eve of Easter this year, having put all the pains caused by a broken marriage behind her.
Asian bishops have elected Indian cardinal Felipe Neri Ferrao as the new president of their federation and Filipino Bishop Pablo Virgilio David as vice president.
The Catholic Church in South Korea needs to consider the possibility of changing to a hybrid church that utilizes both online and offline services considering the post-Covid situation, say Catholic experts.
Many children in Laos and Mongolia do not complete education due to poverty.
India’s top court has directed seven state governments to present details of the action taken by their law enforcement agencies in cases of alleged attacks against Christians and their institutions.
Closing Speech of H.E. Charles Cardinal Bo
Message from the FABC General Conference to the Peoples of Asia
Chiang Mai: Medical professionals, pastoral care providers, and leaders of churches, ecumenical councils, and health-related organisations shared best practices and discussed ways for Asian churches to effectively engage in the holistic healing ministry on the second day of the international consultation on faith, health, and healing organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA).
Pope Francis' Message to President of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences.
The superior of the Missionaries of Charity describes how sisters around the world will mark the 25th anniversary of the foundress' death on Sept. 5.
After the listening process involving the individual Churches, the General Secretariat will draw up a synthesis from Rome by the end of October on which a continental consultation will take place.
The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) organised a capacity-building programme for pastors and lay leaders from churches and ecumenical councils in Southeast Asia who are involved in HIV and AIDS advocacy and ministries.
The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) invites applications for the Young Ambassadors of Peace in Asia (YAPA) programme, which will take place in person at the CCA Headquarters in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 7 to 14 August 2022.
Data from the statistical yearbook published by the Bishops' Conference show that the number of Catholics in South Korea will grow by no more than 0.2% by 2021, compared to 3% just a few years ago. Catholics now make up 11.3% of the population, but the average age of the faithful is getting older and new vocations to the priesthood are declining.
Lucia Tran Thi Ha Ngan and her friends visit people in need in Hue Archdiocese on March 5, hardly a month after her baptism
The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) will organise a regional consultation on ‘Towards an Effective Advocacy on HIV and AIDS for Upholding Dignity of Gender and Sexual Minorities’ on 24–25 March 2022.
Doctoral Dissertations (listed chronologically)
FABC Fifty Years Asian Pastoral Guidance
Protesting against the infringement on the constitutional rights of Catholic educational institutions, three bishops in India advocate for the payment of teachers’ salaries in state-aided Church-run schools in Kerala.
ndia’s Latin-rite bishops collaborated with the Asian Trading Corporation Publishers in bringing out the Indian edition of the latest encyclical of Pope Francis, “Fratelli Tutti”, on fraternity and social friendship.
After his election, new CBCK president, Bishop Mathias Lee Yong-hoon of Suwon, held a press conference on Friday in Seoul, touching upon several issues.
South Sudan's government and nation's Opposition Movement Alliance announce the signing in Rome of a ceasefire agreement reached thanks to international mediation efforts.
The Bishops of Sri Lanka and other religious and civil leaders reject a proposed amendment to the constitution, pointing out that it threatens the nation’s democracy.
The president of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) writes to his fellow bishops on the relevance of Pope Francis’ encyclical, "Fratelli tutti", in the current Asian context and looking to the future.
By October a decision is expected regarding the Vatican proposal to extend the Provisional Agreement ad experimentum: “It is worth continuing”, Cardinal Parolin explains.
In the run-up to the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical “Laudato sí: on the Care for Our Common Home” on Sunday, local Churches in Indonesia, Pakistan and India are observing the “Laudato Sì” Week, May 17 to 24.
The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences is appealing for support for the spiritual initiative proposed by the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.
Members of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) have been informed that their general conference in November has been postponed.