The Church in Vietnam and Interreligious Dialogue

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Bishops’ Conferences Commissions on Interreligious Dialogues and Ecumenism Meeting – Consultation

(Thailand:  Nov 29 – Dec 2, 2013)

The Church in Vietnam and Interreligious Dialogue

I. The context of religions in Vietnam (*)

Similar to many other Asian nations, Vietnam is also a nation of multiple religious country. Historically, there are two main kinds of religons in VN:

+ Fistly is native or national religions, such as worshipping ancestors, and some newly born religions in VN in 20th century such as Caodaism and Buddhism Hoa Hao.

+ Secondly is imported religions which have the origin from outside. These religions were introduced to VN by foreigners in two groups:

a/ The first group includes Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. These religions have presented very early in the history of the nation, and have had a deeply influence on the spiritual life of all vietnames people and on the traditional customs relating to weddings, funeral, building houses, dayly lifes.

b/ The second group includes religions introduced to Vietnam through foreign missionaries. These religions came to VN so much late and enriched the religious and spiritual consciousness in Vietnam: Roman Catholic (16 century), Protestantism (20 Century), a minority of Islam, Hindus and Baha’is.

There are two newly born religions in Vietnam in 20th century: Caodaism and Hoahaoism.

The religious beliefs variously influenced on the Vietnamese people’s thoughts and actions in their daily life.

II. The Advantage and Disadvantage of the presence of the several religions in Vietnam

1/ Advantage: generally, the Vietnamese people are quite tolerant in matter of religion. All people of different religions  live in harmony with no difficulties nor conflicts.

2/ Disadvantage: However, people show indiffference to other religions! Between them, there is no interactions, no relationships, no visits, no cooperation, no cares, no enthousiasm. 

III. How to over come these disavantages situation in the country?

1/ We will be able to have a dialogue, a fraternal visit with other religions, when they have religious festivals.

2/ In the situation of  mix – marriages, we have got an advantages situation to speak them about how we would be able to live understing the values of each religion.

3/ We would be able to write special messages on their feast days

4/ To organize meeting / conferences to understand their religious values.


Prepared by Bishop Steven Tri Buu Thien


(*) According to the national statistic of Vietnamese Government on Jan, 4th, 2009, there are 7% Catholics, 1% Protestants, 9% Buddhists, about 2% belongs to other minor religions such as Bah’ai, Muslim, Caodais, Hoahaos. And 80 % claimed themselves atheism, non-religion, or ancestors worship.