
  • DAILY MEDITATION: "As the Father loves me, so I also love you"

    5/1/2024 7:43:01 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: ``As the Father loves me, so I also love you``

    Today, we hear again the intimate confidence Jesus had last Holy Thursday: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you” (Jn 15, 9). The Father's love for the Son is immense, tender, dear. We can read it in the Book of Proverbs, when He affirms that long before initiating His deeds “then was I beside him as artisan; I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while” (Pr 8, 30). 

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: "Remain in me, as I remain in you"

    4/30/2024 5:13:32 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: ``Remain in me, as I remain in you``

    Today, once more, we may see Jesus surrounded by the Apostles in an atmosphere of special intimacy. He is giving them what we could consider as His final recommendations: what is normally said in the last moment, in the last farewell; that which has a special force, as if it would be the last will and testament.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you”

    4/29/2024 8:44:06 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you”

    Today, Jesus speaks to us indirectly of the cross: He will give us the peace, but at the cost of His painful “departure” from this world. Today, we read those words He said before the sacrifice on the Cross but that were written after His Resurrection. With His death on the Cross, He defeats both death and fear. He gives the peace “Not as the world gives” (Jn 14, 27),...

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: "The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name..."

    4/28/2024 7:28:35 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: ``The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name...``

    Today, Jesus shows us His immense desire for us to share His plenitude. United with Him, we live into the stream of Divine Life that is the Holy Trinity. “God is with you. The Blessed Trinity dwells in your soul in grace —that is why, in spite of your wretchedness, you can and should keep up a continuous conversation with the Lord” (Saint Josemaria Escrivá).

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit”

    4/26/2024 11:51:25 PM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit”

    Today, the Gospel presents the allegory of the vine and the branches. Christ is the true vine, we are the branches, and the Father is the vine grower.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “I am in the Father and the Father is in me”

    4/26/2024 8:00:10 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “I am in the Father and the Father is in me”

    Today, we are invited to recognize the Father who reveals Himself in Jesus Christ. Philip articulates a very fair intuition: “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” (Jn 14, 8). To see the Father is to discover God as the origin, as the life that flows, as generosity, as a gift that constantly renews everything. What else do we need? We are coming from God, and each man, even if unconsciously, carries the profound desire of going back to God,...

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

    4/25/2024 8:34:16 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

    Today, on this 4th Friday of Easter, Jesus invites us to stay calm. Serenity and joy flow smoothly like a river of peace from His resurrected Heart towards ours, dazed and restless, so often shaken by an activity as hectic as it is futile.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature”

    4/24/2024 8:35:58 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature”

    Today, there is much to say about why the word of the Gospel does not echo with strength and conviction; why we Christians keep a hesitant silence regarding what we believe in, in spite of the so-called “new evangelization”. Each one will make his or her own analysis about this and will come up with their own particular version.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me”

    4/23/2024 8:52:55 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me”

    Today, Jesus cries out; He cries out just as someone who is speaking and it is clear everyone should listen. His raised voice addresses His saving mission, as He has come “to save the world” (Jn 12, 47), not on His own but in the name of “the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak” (Jn 12, 49).

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “The Father and I are one.”

    4/22/2024 8:19:02 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “The Father and I are one.”

    Today, we see Jesus walking “about in the temple area on the Portico of Solomon” (Jn 10,23), during the Feast of Dedication, in Jerusalem. It was then when the Jews ask Him: “If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly”, and Jesus answers: “I told you and you do not believe” (Jn 10,24-25).

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “(…) the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice”

    4/21/2024 5:56:38 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “(…) the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice”

    Today, we keep mulling over one of the most beautiful and well known images of Jesus' preaching: the Good Shepherd, his sheep and the gate. We all keep in our memory the figure of that good Shepherd we were able to look at, as children. An icon well beloved by the first fold, that already belongs to the Christian sacred art at the time of the catacombs. How many memories can be aroused in us that young shepherd with the wounded sheep on his shoulders!...

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “I am the good shepherd”

    4/20/2024 5:18:49 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “I am the good shepherd”

    Today we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. First and foremost, the attitude of the sheep must be to listen to the shepherd’s voice and follow him. To listen carefully, to be docile to his word, to follow him with a decision that engages the whole existence: understanding, heart, all strength and all action, following in His footsteps.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “You have the words of eternal life”

    4/19/2024 8:11:54 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “You have the words of eternal life”

    Today, we have just read in the Gospel Jesus' speech about the Bread of Life, which is Himself, offering us His body as nourishment for our souls and for our Christian life. And, as it usually happens, we have to contemplate two different —if not opposite— reactions, from those who are listening to Him.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “... I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood, you do not have life within you.”

    4/18/2024 6:35:37 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “... I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood, you do not have life within you.”

    Today, Jesus makes three key avowals: we are to eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood; if we do not take the Holy Communion we cannot have life; and this life is the eternal life and the condition for resurrection (cf. Jn 6,53-58). There is nothing in the Gospel so clear, so emphatic and so definite as these statements of Jesus.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven”

    4/17/2024 9:32:04 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven”

    Today, we sing to the Lord from whom we receive the glory and the triumph. The Risen Lord presents Himself to His Church with that “I am whom I am” that identifies Him as a source of salvation: “I am the bread of life” (Jn 6, 48). The community gathered around Him who is Alive, by way of thanks, lovingly recognizes Him and accepts God's instruction, now known as the Father's teachings.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: ”Whoever comes to me will never hunger”

    4/16/2024 9:21:47 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: ”Whoever comes to me will never hunger”

    Today we see how much our hunger and our thirst concern God! How can we continue to think that God is indifferent to our sufferings? And yet, so often, we “refuse to believe” in the tender love that God has for each one of us. In hiding Himself in the Eucharist, God manifests the incredible lengths He will go to in order to satiate our thirst and our hunger.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: "My Father gives you the true bread from heaven"

    4/15/2024 6:20:55 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: ``My Father gives you the true bread from heaven``

    Today in Jesus' words we can verify the confronts and the complementarity between the Old and the New Testaments: the Old Testament was an expectation of the New Testament and in the New Testament, God's promises to the fathers of the Old Testament are being fulfilled. Thus, the manna the Israelis ate in the desert was not the authentic bread from Heaven, but an anticipated image of the true bread that God, our Father, has given us in the person of Jesus Christ,...

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Work… for the food that endures for eternal life”

    4/14/2024 7:18:05 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Work… for the food that endures for eternal life”

    Today, after the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, the people went looking for Jesus as far as Capernaum. Then as now, people are seeking the divine. Isn't the proliferation of religious sects and esotericism proof of this thirst for all things divine?

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Look at my hands and feet and see that it is I myself”

    4/13/2024 5:57:07 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Look at my hands and feet and see that it is I myself”

    Today, the Gospel still places us in Easter Sunday, when the two disciples from Emmaus return to Jerusalem and, there, while everyone recounts that the Lord has appeared to them, the same Risen One presents Himself to them. But His presence is disconcerting. On the one hand, it causes fear, to the point that they "thought that they were seeing a ghost" (Lk 24, 37)...

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “It is I. Do not be afraid.”

    4/12/2024 8:29:20 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “It is I. Do not be afraid.”

    Today, Jesus unsettles us. We were used to a Redeemer who, attentive to all kinds of human destitution, would not doubt have recourse to His divine power. In fact, this happens just after the multiplication of the loaves and fishes to feed a large hungry crowd. But now, instead, He unsettles us with a miracle —to walk over the waters— that looks very much like Jesus was just playing to the gallery. 

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “He himself knew what he was going to do”

    4/11/2024 8:41:43 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “He himself knew what he was going to do”

    Today, the Gospel reminds us of a miracle in front of five thousand men when “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted” (Jn 6, 11). This miracle was not merely a need to show off but held a much deeper meaning. Jesus was driven by God’s love for those people. We talk about faith and love every time we try to understand what propels Jesus towards action.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life”

    4/10/2024 8:41:36 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life”

    Today, the Gospel invites us to cease being so “worldly”, to stop being men who can only speak about mundane things, to speak and behave instead as “The one who comes from above”(Jn 3, 31), who is Jesus. In this text we see —once more— that in evangelic radicalism there is no happy medium. We must always strive to follow God's thinking, endeavor to share Christ's feelings and aim at seeing men and their circumstances with the same spirit of the Word made flesh. 

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Light came into the world”

    4/9/2024 8:05:34 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Light came into the world”

    Today's gospel passage identifies Christ to be “the way and the truth and the life” (Jn 14, 6). Separate from Christ, there is only desolation, falsehood and death. There is one and only one road to heaven and it is called Jesus Christ.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “You must be born from above”

    4/8/2024 8:25:28 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “You must be born from above”

    Today, Jesus explains to us the difficulty of foreseeing and understanding the action of the Holy Spirit: indeed, "it blows where it wishes" (Jn 3, 8). He relates this to the testimony He Himself is giving and to the need to be born from above. The Lord says clearly: "You must be born from above" (Jn 3, 7); a new life is necessary to enter into eternal life. It's not enough to just get by to reach the Kingdom of Heaven; a new life regenerated by the action of God’s Spirit is required. 

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Hail, full of grace!”

    4/7/2024 7:11:52 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Hail, full of grace!”

    Today, in the “Hail, full of grace!” (Lk 1, 28) we hear for the first time the name of the Mother of God: Mary (Archangel Gabriel’s second phrase). She has the fullness of grace and the gifts. It is said like this: "keharitoméne", “full of grace” (Angel’s greeting).

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them”

    4/6/2024 5:21:29 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them”

    Today, on the Second Sunday of Easter, we complete the octave of this liturgical season, one of the two octaves —together with Christmas— that remain in the liturgy renewed by the Vatican Council II. For eight days, we contemplate the same mystery and try to deepen our understanding of it in the light of the Holy Spirit.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature”

    4/5/2024 8:29:43 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature”

    Today, relying on the risen Jesus, we must rediscover the Gospel as the "Good News". The Gospel is not a law that tyrannizes us. Occasionally, we may have fallen into the temptation of thinking that non-Christians are more relaxed than us and do what they want, whereas we have to abide by a list of commandments. This is a merely superficial view of things.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples after being raised from the dead”

    4/4/2024 8:39:52 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples after being raised from the dead”

    Today, for the third time, Jesus reveals Himself to his disciples after His rising. Peter has gone back to his old fisherman job and the others have decided to join him. It stands to reason that, if he was a fisherman before following Jesus, afterwards, he gets back to his old job; and there still are those who are surprised to see that it is not necessary to leave one's honest work to follow Christ.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Peace be with you.”

    4/3/2024 8:43:42 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Peace be with you.”

    Today, the risen Christ meets His disciples again, with His desire of peace: “Peace be with you.” (Lk 24,36). This is how He makes the fears and forebodings the Apostles had accumulated during their days of passion and loneliness disappear.

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  • DAILY MEDITATION: “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and...”

    4/2/2024 8:47:49 AM
    DAILY MEDITATION: “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and...”

    Today we are reassured by the Gospel that Jesus is alive and continues to be the center around which the disciples' community is built. The gathering of the community, the dialog with brothers and sisters who share the same faith, the reading of the Word of God, the love shared and expressed through fraternity and service, is precisely the ecclesial context in which the disciples can encounter the Resurrected.

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