Pope prays for kidnapped religious in Camerun

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Pope Francis is praying for the two Italian priests of Vicenza “fidei donum”, Frs Giampaolo Marta and Gianantonio Allegri and for the Canadian sister kidnapped during the night in Camerun. The pope hopes for a rapid and positive solution to the affair. The pope was informed of the kidnapping and remains in constant contact with the nuntiature. The three religious were captured by two armed groups in there home in the diocese of Maroua, in the North of Camerun. It has not been excluded that the culprits of the kidnapping could belong to the Islamic militia, Boko Haram. The Bishop of Vicenza, Mons. Beniamino Pizziol, explained that it was a very delicate situation.

Vatican Radio
Source: news.va (Apr. 5, 2014)