Prayer cycle: Having Enough

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Less is more (Lk 12:16-20)

“You have ample goods laid up for many years,” he said to himself, “Relax, eat, drink, be merry ....”

What does one do with new-found wealth? She thinks she may live long, and does not want to be a burden to anyone in her old age. He decides to place his assets into securities to outlast him. One could say that she plans wisely.  He wants to remain independent.  Who doesn’t?

But this is a crisis! In a world of limited goods and an exploding population, amidst a pandemic of starvation a man locks up grain to keep it safe from others. Has he no social conscience? Is it all about his own welfare?   

It is a travesty that in a world where millions of people are starving to death, a windfall profit should be used to pad one person’s couch.

Then I recall what Nathan said to David: “You are the man!” 2 Sam 12:7
