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Understanding Ceremony and Ritual in Confucianism
By Admin WebmasterCeremony and ritual are concepts in Confucianism that are at the center of any discussion of its moral code. The columnist in the Cultural of Life column in the Peace Weekly introduces us to the Confucian view of life. The aspect of ritual or ceremony so intimately connected with Confucianism has a relationship with society that we may tend to disregard and see only ceremony and ritual. -
Pilgrimages: Origin
By Admin WebmasterThe idea of a pilgrimage has been traced back by some (Littledale in "Encycl. Brit.", 1885, XIX, 90; "New Internat. Encyc.", New York, 1910, XVI, 20, etc.) to the primitive notion of local deities, that is, that the divine beings who controlled the movements of men and nature could exercise that control only over certain definite forces or within set boundaries. -
Significance of Buddhist Pilgrimage
By Admin WebmasterThe earliest centres of Buddhist pilgrimages were the places associated with the life and Teachings of the great Master. These four places are Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath and Kusinara. Lumbini, in what is now Nepal, is the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. -
"That my joy may be complete in them": Wednesday 7th of Easter
By Admin WebmasterToday, we live in a world which does not know how to be truly happy with the happiness of Jesus, a world which seeks the happiness of Jesus in all the wrong places and in the wrong ways. Seeking happiness without Jesus only leads to deeper unhappiness. Just look at the soaps on TV, there is always somebody in trouble. The soaps on TV show us the misery of a godless life. -
Pilgrimage in Hinduism
By Admin WebmasterThe estimated 80 million people visiting the 2001 Kumbha -mela at Prayag (Allahabad) made it the world's biggest-ever public event. It demonstrated the continuing importance of pilgrimage for the Hindu people. Not all holy sites, however, lie within India. Many Hindus have emigrated and have established their own sacred places, wherever they live. -
Indian Ecumenical Christian Delegation visits Israel to Promote Pilgrimage
By Admin WebmasterThe Israel Ministry of Tourism recently invited an ecumenical delegation of Indian church leaders to celebrate Lent in Israel. The delegation was headed by Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracias. The objective of the visit was to foster good relations between India's Christian community and the State of Israel and to promote tourism between the two countries. -
The Fifth Pillar of Islam: The Pilgrimage (Hajj)
By Admin WebmasterThe Merits and various rites performed in Hajj, the fifth of the five obligatory fundamental Muslim practices. By IslamReligion.com -
"I pray ... for those who through their word will believe in me": Thursday 7th of Easter (24.5.2012)
By Admin WebmasterToday, we find a solid basis for trust in the Gospel: "Holy Father, I pray not only for these but also for those who through their word will believe in me..." (Jn 17:20). It is Jesus' heart, which, in the intimacy of Jesus with his disciples, opens up the inexhaustible treasures of His Love... -
World Religions
By Admin WebmasterReligious life throughout the world, regardless of the specific tradition, exhibits both personal-psychological and communal-social aspects. Of course, persons within the diverse religious traditions of the world perceive the spiritual dimension of their faith as transcending both the individual psychological and emotional as well as the corporate and social aspects of their faith’s expressions -
Qu'est-ce que la Pentecôte?
By Admin WebmasterComme les juifs, les chrétiens célèbrent la Pentecôte cinquante jours après Pâques. C'est un jour marqué par l'acte de naissance des deux religions : les juifs commémorent le jour où Moïse reçoit les dix commandements, les chrétiens celui où les disciples de Jésus reçoivent l'Esprit saint,... -
"you know that I love you": Friday 7th of Easter (25.5.2012)
By Admin Webmasteroday, we should be grateful to St. John for having left with us the evidence of an intimate dialogue between Jesus and Peter: "Simon, son of John, do you love me?", and he said, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you". -
"He has recorded here and we know that his testimony is true": Saturday 7th of Easter
By Admin WebmasterToday, we read the end of St. John's Gospel. Actually, it is the end of the appendix St. John's community added to the original text. In this particular case, it is a willingly significant fragment. The Resurrected Lord appears before his disciples and confirms they are to follow him, particularly as regards Peter. -
Vatican: Individual in possesion of confidential documents identified
By Admin WebmasterThe Director of the Vatican Press Office Father Federico Lombardi said that "the investigations initiated by the Gendarmerie" on the dissemination of confidential Vatican documents” have identified a person in illegal possession "of such material." -
The Family in Islam (1): The Appeal of Islamic Family Life
By Admin WebmasterIn Islam, considering the well-being of the “other” instead of just the “self” is a virtue so rooted in the religion that it is evident even to those outside it. The British humanitarian and civil rights lawyer, Clive Stafford-Smith, a non-Muslim, stated: “What I like about Islam is its focus on the group, which is opposite to the West’s focus on individuality.” -
Gospel of Pentecost by pictures
By Admin WebmasterAs the Father has sent me, so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained." -
Fire in the depths of the earth: Meditation for Pentecost
By Admin WebmasterThis Sunday’s Collect implores God to “fill now once more the hearts of believers”, encouraging us to expand our horizons. Pentecost, for theologian Karl Rahner, is a vital “hour of courageous vision” in the history of the Church, when the Holy Spirit weaves new patterns out of the “interrelatedness of Creation and Incarnation”. -
Pope greets members of Holy Spirit Renewal
By Admin WebmasterVatican (26 May 2012) - About thirty thousand people attended Holy Mass in Saint Peter’s Square Saturday morning to commemorate forty years since the founding of the Holy Spirit Renewal in Italy. The Archbishop of Genoa and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, was the main celebrant. -
A family, a story
By Admin WebmasterWe’ve been married for 35 years, we live in Lomianki, near Warsaw and we’ve got eight children ranging from 15 to 34 called Teresa, Adam, Natalia, Kazik, Marysia, Janek, Dominik and Zosia. We welcomed each child as a gift of our Lord. They are our real joy and our celebration. -
Scola and Family 2012: Everyone will be given the opportunity to participate
By Admin Webmaster"The estimated expenditure for the organization of the VII World Meeting of Families, which was declared a Great Event but with no budget, amounts to around 10,200,000 Euros among remote preparation, arrangement of the events and organizational structure. Milan will host, first in Italy, the first Church event of global significance outside Rome" -
The Roman Catholic Church and Islam Connection
By Admin WebmasterBoth The Roman Catholic Church and Islam believe that only they are the one true church/religion. The Roman Catholic Church and the Islam require mandatory fasting. The Roman Catholic Church worships, prays to and gives titles of God to Mary. Islam highly esteems Mary and she is mentioned 34 times in the Qu'ran. -
All human beings are limbs of each other ...
By Admin WebmasterAll human beings are limbs of each other, having been created of one essence. -
"Go, sell what you have and give the money to the poor": Monday 8th in Ordinary Time
By Admin WebmasterToday, the liturgy presents a Gospel, which, if we face it with a sincere heart, makes it difficult for us to remain unconcerned. Nobody can doubt of the good intentions of that man who knelt down before Jesus Christ to ask him: "Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?" -
Pilgrimages (2): History in general
By Admin WebmasterIn 333 was the famous Bordeaux Pilgrimage ("Palestine Pilgrim Text Society", London, 1887, preface and notes by Stewart). It was the first of a whole series of pilgrimages that have left interesting and detailed accounts of the route, the peoples through which they passed, the sites identified with those mentioned in the Gospels. -
The reward in the present time and in the world to come eternal life: Tuesday 8th in Ordinary Time
By Admin WebmasterToday, just like that landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard, the Lord is seeking disciples, followers and friends. His, is a universal call. A captivating offer, the Lord entrust us with! On one condition, though. -
"...who has not come to be served but to serve and to give his life to redeem many": Wednesday 8th in Ordinary Time
By Admin WebmasterToday, the Lord teaches us which our attitude before the Cross must be. The ardent love of Jesus for His Father's Will, to carry out the salvation of Mankind, of each man, of each woman, urges Him to quickly move towards Jerusalem, where "the Son of Man will be given over (…) they will condemn him to death (…) they will scourge him and finally kill him" -
Alfred Nobel - His Life and Work
By Admin WebmasterAlfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833. His father Immanuel Nobel was an engineer and inventor who built Alfred Nobelbridges and buildings in Stockholm. In connection with his construction work Immanuel Nobel also experimented with different techniques for blasting rocks. -
Italy quake: rescue efforts continue
By Admin WebmasterRescuers on Wednesday were searching through the rubble of houses and warehouses in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, a day after an earthquake killed 16 people and injured about 350 more. Many of those affected have been living in tents after a similarly strong tremor in the same region flattened their homes nine days ago. The number of those forced to leave their homes doubled to 14,000 after Tuesday’s quake. -
Vietnamese Folk Literature Reflecting the Viets’ Synthetic Belief (1)
By Admin WebmasterThe Vietnamese Three Teachings started their long history from the first and second centuries onwards. Thus, the Three Teachings could not only deeply impact intelligentsia who mastered Chinese characters but also implant moral thoughts in the minds of illiterate common people. With such genres as legends, folk songs, folk poems, proverbs, etc., -
"The baby within me suddenly leapt for joy": Feast of the Visitation (31.5.2012)
By Admin WebmasterToday, we contemplate the Virgin Mary's Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth. As soon as she was told she had been chosen by God Father to be the Mother of the Son of God and that her cousin Elizabeth had also received the gift of motherhood, she decidedly set out for the hills to congratulate her cousin, to share with her the joy... -
Prayer to the Virgin Mary
By Admin WebmasterLa Virgin Maria Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.