Tin mới
Holy See-Vietnam conclude meeting 2012
By Admin WebmasterDuring the meeting, the Holy See expressed the wish that its role and mission be strengthened and extended in order to enhance the bonds between the Holy see and the Catholic Church in Viet Nam as well as the intention of Viet Nam and of the Holy See to develop their relationship. -
"Leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with him
By Admin Webmaster"we cannot communicate with the Lord if we do not communicate with one another. If we want to present ourselves to him, we must also take a step towards meeting one another..." -
General Characteristics of the Archdiocese of HCM City
By Admin WebmasterIn a land area of 2,093.7 square kilometers, the diocesan territory covers Ho Chi Minh City, except for its Cu Chi subdistrict that belongs to the neighboring Phu Cuong diocese. The archdiocese is bounded by Phu Cuong diocese in the north, Xuan Loc diocese in the east and southeast, My Tho diocese in the west and southwest. -
Les mariages mixtes dans les societes multiculturelles (1) - Mgr Francisco Clave
By Admin WebmasterDeux personnes de religions différentes se marient. C'est une réalité sociale que l'on rencontre partout. Un tel mariage dans lequel un des deux conjoints est catholique - c'est le genre de mariage que nous étudierons ici - est un mariage mixte selon les termes de la pastorale canonique. J'étudierai de tels mariages uniquement d'un point de vue anthropologique - ce qui en langage de tous les jours signifie: selon le sens commun ! -
Through Dialogue & Collaboration
By Admin WebmasterIn the developing, multireligious societies of Asia, struggling towards liberation and wholeness, all religions are called to provide a common and complementary moral and religious foundation for this struggle, and to be forces for growth and communion rather than sources of alienation and conflict. They can do this only through dialogue and collaboration. The religions have a prophetic role in public life... -
Dialogue with Other Religions
By Admin WebmasterDialogue with other religions, which are significant and posotive elements in the economy of God’s design of salvation, is an integral dimension of the mission of the Church, which is the sacrament of the Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus. In Aisa today, Christians, though they are a “little flock” in many places, animated by the Spirit who is leading all things to unity, are called to play a serving and catalysing role which facilitates interreligious collaboration... -
Dialogue & the Local Church
By Admin WebmasterAn authentic dialogue with other religius traditions is the task of a local Church, fully involved in the life and struggles of the people, especially the poor. It is also an intergal element in the process of building up authentic local Churches in Aisa. -
“Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you”
By Admin WebmasterToday's Gospel exhorts us to the most perfect love. Love is wanting to do good to others, and here lies our personal fulfillment. We do not love for our own sake, but for the sake of doing good to our neighbor, and on doing it to improve as persons. -
Sri Lanka: Int’l Buddhist Conferences 2012
By Admin WebmasterThe next International Buddhist Conference will be held in 2012 on the Theravada Buddhist island of Sri Lanka. The title and theme of it is “New Millennium Challenges for Buddhism,” according to the Sri Lanka Minister of Higher Education, S.B. Dissanayake. -
Basic Catechism of Caodaism (1)
By Admin WebmasterWhat is the foundation of Caodaism? What do Caodaists confide in God? What are meant by the concept of impersonal God and that of personal God? What is the Caodaist cosmological viewpoint?... -
“Jesus went up the mountain to pray” - Sunday 2nd (B) of Lent
By Admin WebmasterToday we are contemplating the act "whereby the three apostles Peter, James and John appear enraptured over the beauty of our Redeemer" (John Paul II): "And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them" (Mk 9:2-3). -
Benedictine nun set to make splash at this years Oscar ceremony
By Admin WebmasterAmong the Holywood stars walking the red carpet at this year's Oscars, will be this 73 year old Benedictine nun. She now goes by the name Mother Dolores and she belongs to the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut. But long before she was known as Dolores Hart, a rising young actress. -
“Give and it will be given to you” - Monday 2nd of Lent
By Admin WebmasterToday, Luke's Gospel proclaims a short and dense message - very short, indeed! - that can be summarized in two points: a frame of mercy and a contents of justice. -
“Do not do as they do, for they do not do what they say”
By Admin WebmasterToday, Jesus exhorts us to bear witness of our Christian life through our example, the consistency of our life and the honesty of our intentions. -
"You have only one Master...": Tuesday 2nd of Lent
By Admin WebmasterFor our behavior to fit with that of our Lord Jesus, a gesture of humility is fundamental, as our Pope Benedict says: "I recognize myself for what I am, a frail creature, made of earth and destined to the earth, but also made in the image of God and destined to him". -
“Whoever wants to be more important in your group shall make himself your servant”
By Admin WebmasterToday, Jesus changes the human and earthly mentality of his disciples and opens up a new horizon of understanding concerning a new style of life for his followers. -
“If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the grave”
By Admin WebmasterToday, the Gospel is a parable discovering the realities of man in afterlife. Jesus tells us about the divine reward or retribution we shall have depending upon our behavior. -
“The stone which the builders rejected has become the keystone”
By Admin WebmasterToday, Jesus, with the parable of the homicidal tenants, speaks about the betrayal of trust; He compares the vineyard to the people of Israel and the wine growers to the chiefs of the chosen people. -
Meanings of ambiguous terms
By Admin WebmasterMeanings of ambiguous terms beginning with the letters "A" to "R": The term "Abrahamic Religions" is derived from the Abraham of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). Through him, God is said to have made a covenant with the Jewish people. The three major religions which trace their roots back to Abraham are often referred to as the Abrahamic religions (a.k.a. Abramic religions). -
Great Women of the Bible
By Admin WebmasterJoin me as we study several Great Women of the Bible and learn how God used them and still uses us to advance His kingdom on earth. We will study the role of women in the Bible, virtuous women in the Bible, strong women in the Bible, women leaders, and significant Women in the Bible in these devotions for ladies. These Bible studies for women are written by a woman, for women, and about Women of the Bible. -
Outstanding Women in World Buddhism
By Admin WebmasterIn recognition of the United Nation's International Women's Day March 8, 2002, an international committee of Buddhist clergy, scholars and laity convened to select and honour Outstanding Women in World Buddhism. Seven female spiritual leaders and a temple in Taiwan received awards for their outstanding contributions to Buddhism. -
A History of International Women's Day
By Admin Webmaster... exceeded all expectations. Germany and Austria... was one seething trembling sea of women. Meetings were organised everywhere... in the small towns and even in the villages, halls were packed so full that they had to ask (male) workers to give up their places for the women. -
“Father, I have sinned against God and before you” - Saturday 2nd of Lent
By Admin WebmasterToday we see our Father's mercy, His distinctive feature in Heaven, while gazing at an orphan Mankind - orphan because forgetful - which does not know it is a child of God. -
A hopeful International Women’s Day
By Admin WebmasterThe theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is the empowerment of rural women and the ending of hunger and poverty. In Asia, women occupy an increasingly vulnerable position, particularly among refugee communities... What's their wishes for the future?... -
“Stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace!”
By Admin WebmasterThe Temple of God becoming a market place! what a disgrace! They probably started with a few animals, a shepherd trying to sell some sheep, or an old woman who wanted to make a few coins by selling doves,… and the ball kept growing and growing. -
Dispensaire Charité: Présentation et Rapport d’ativités (2)
By Admin WebmasterL’objectif principal est de servir les patients nécessiteux, les sans domicile fixes, les personnes sans couverture de santé,…mais le dispensaire ne rejette pas ceux qui viennent consulter après avoir épuisé d’autres recours, parce qu’ils croient en l’expience des médecins du temple et en une guérison miraculeuse parce que administrée au temple. -
Half of migrants are Christian
By Admin WebmasterAccording to a recent investigation by the Pew Research Center –an independent institute for political and social analysis based in Washington –about half of the world's migrants are Christian and more than a quarter Muslim.This research was carried out in the year 2010 and includes comparisons with data based on various studies on immigration. -
Caodaism and Spiritism
By Admin WebmasterCaodaism is the first religious community so far that enables its adepts to have direct communication with the transcendental world via institutionalised spiritist seances....
Making migration work
By Admin Webmaster“Building bridges of opportunity: migration and diversity” that was the theme of a round table discussion sponsored by the U.S. embassy to the Holy See and the Pontifical North American College here in Rome Thursday. -
Athanase, un champion qui secoue la foi chrétien
By Admin WebmasterLe grand saint Athanase d'Alexandrie (mort en 373), « champion de la divinité du Christ » : c’était le thème de la première prédication de carême du P. Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap., prédicateur de la Maison pontificale, ce vendredi 9 mars en la chapelle Redemptoris Mater du Vatican. Une foi dans le salut apporté par le Christ qui secoue la foi du chrétien aujourd'hui encore.