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"I have not come to remove but to fulfill them": Wednesday 10th in Ordinary Time (13.6.2012)
By Admin WebmasterTo keep God's commandments means that we truly love him through our deeds. Love is not only a feeling; love also wants deeds, deeds of love, to live the double precept of charity. -
Iraqi Christians seek safe haven in Jordan
By Admin WebmasterA spate of attacks targeting Christians in Iraq has forced many to flee to neighbouring Jordan which many see as a stepping stone to a new life as far away as possible from the violence-ridden country. -
Holy See and Israel make "significant progress"
By Admin WebmasterThe Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israelmet today 12 June 2012 at the Plenary level, in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican, to carry on negotiations pursuant to the Fundamental Agreement Art. 10 paragraph 2. -
Ma femme ne prie pas
By Admin WebmasterJe suis marié avec une femme avec qui je ne suis pas tranquille parce qu'elle ne prie pas, et elle fait toujours beaucoup d'efforts pour améliorer son apparence extérieure ; quel est le point de vue de l'Islam concernant la beauté ? Et puis-je divorcer ou non ? Et elle dit aussi que je ne suis pas l'homme qu'elle désirait avoir. -
American Muslim, Jewish & Christian Leaders to Confer at Health Privacy Summit
By Admin WebmasterThe Second International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy, scheduled for 6-7 June 2012 at the Georgetown University Law Center (pictured) in Washington, D.C., will feature representatives from three major religions: Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism. -
"If you are not righteous in a much broader way...": Thursday 10th in Ordinary Time
By Admin Webmaster‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. Love does no wrong to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the law" (Rm 13:9-10)... -
St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church
By Admin WebmasterSt. Anthony was born in Portugal in 1195; on 15th August according to Baroque tradition. He was the son of the nobleman, Martino de Buglioni and Donna Maria Taveira, who lived a few metres away from the cathedral. He was christened with the name Fernando. -
Prayers to Saint Anthony: Help me to find
By Admin WebmasterThese prayers are an aid which tradition has handed down to us to assist us in our prayers to Saint Anthony and to ask for his help above all in finding our relationship with God. -
IEC2012: Sowing the seeds for renewal and healing
By Admin WebmasterCardinal Napier says coming here "was a way of coming and saying: just as Jesus gave us the Eucharist just before he suffered, so I am hoping that the church in Ireland, in all of its suffering, is going to bring the Eucharist back into the lives of the people". -
Une vision Islamique de la mort - Docteur Abdallah
By Admin WebmasterEn tant que médecin généraliste français converti à l’islam depuis dix-neuf ans, je ne me sens pas particulièrement qualifié pour parler d’un sujet aussi grave qui met en scène les bases mêmes des sciences de la foi musulmane: la "Akida". J’essaierai donc de donner un simple aperçu de la vision islamique de la mort... -
WCC calls to strengthen Christian theology in higher education
By Admin WebmasterThe role and relevance of Christian theological studies in public and private universities, as well as seminaries was at the forefront of a recent three-day consultation in Granavollen, Norway. Some 45 representatives of theological schools and associations from around the world attended. -
"One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a lance": Sacred Heart of Jesus (15 Juin 2012)
By Admin WebmasterToday, before our very eyes - or better still before our interior eyes, illuminated by faith - is the figure of Christ who, having just died on the Cross, has had his side pierced by the Centurion's sword. "Immediately there came out blood and water" (Jn 19, 34). -
The 3rd Annual Global Rosary Relay for Priests
By Admin WebmasterJoin in praying 60 Rosaries in 60 countries (15th June 2012): We pray that every priest may: hear and live God's word: bear Christ to others; proclaim Jesus as Saviour and Lord; possess deep faith in the Sacraments; We pray for our own bishop(s), priests and deacons. -
The Annual Global Rosary Relay for Priests (15 Juin 2012)
By Admin Webmaster... in that each of the 60 participating shrines prays a particular mystery of the Rosary at a particular half hour on the day in thanksgiving to God for our priests and to implore the protection and loving care of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for all her priestly sons. With the coming of midnight on the 15th June 2012, the entire world, by then, will have been encircled in prayer for our priests on this The Annual Rosary Relay Day. -
The Heart of Christ (1)
By Admin WebmasterLove explains all the mysteries of Jesus; the faith that we ought to have in the fullness of this love; the Church sets it before us as the object of worship in the Feast of the Sacred Heart. -
The Heart of Christ (2)
By Admin WebmasterThe Apostle is speaking of charity towards our neighbours; applied to our love for Jesus, this formula wonderfully sums up the practice of devotion to His Sacred Heart. -
Liturgic day: Saturday following the second Sunday after Pentecost: Immaculate Heart of Mary
By Admin WebmasterThen He said to them, «Why were you looking for me? Do you not know that I must be in my Father's house?». But they did not understand this answer. Jesus went down with them, returning to Nazareth, and he continued to be subject to them. As for his mother, she kept all these things in her heart -
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
By Admin WebmasterJust as devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is only a form of devotion to the adorable Person of Jesus, so also is devotion to the Holy Heart of Mary but a special form of devotion to Mary. In order that, properly speaking, there may be devotion to the Heart of Mary, the attention and the homage of the faithful must be directed to the physical heart itself. -
Liturgic day: Sunday 11th (B) in Ordinary Time
By Admin WebmasterJesus said, "In the kingdom of God it is like this. A man scatters seed upon the soil. Whether he is asleep or awake, be it day or night, the seed sprouts and grows, he knows not how. The soil produces of itself; first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when it is ripe for harvesting they take the sickle for the cutting: the time for harvest has come". -
Kingdom of God: Gospel by pictures of Sunday XI in Ordinary Time
By Admin WebmasterJesus said to the crowds: "This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come." -
History of the father's day
By Admin WebmasterAbout 4,000 years ago a young boy named Elmusu wished his Babylonian father good health and a long life by carving a Father's Day message on a card made out of clay. No one knows what happened to Elmesu or his father, but the tradition of having a special day honoring fathers has continued through the years in countries across the world. -
Poems for fathers
By Admin WebmasterWhen I think about my father, and the years we've had to share I'm thankful just to know that his love is always there. -
Father's Day Around the World
By Admin WebmasterThe idea of celebrating Fathers Day has been imported from western countries mainly US, perhaps less than a decade ago. However, it is remarkable to note that the idea of observing a day in honor of fathers has been appreciated by Indians to a large extent. Today, millions of people in India observe Father's Day on the third Sunday of June by expressing gratitude for their father or men who are like father. -
Daddy doesn't want to play with me!
By Admin WebmasterThe father, who was angered & annoyed, began tearing the magazine cover in to small pieces. After a few moments, of shredding up the magazine cover, the father placed the torn pieces on the magazine. Then, the father turned to his boy and said "Son, once you put this picture of the world back together we can play catch, but do not interrupt me again until you are done!" -
Message of Holy father on the occasion of the 20th World Day of the Sick 2012
By Admin WebmasterOn the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, which we will celebrate on 11 February 2012, the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, I wish to renew my spiritual closeness to all sick people who are in places of care or are looked after in their families, expressing to each one of them the solicitude and the affection of the whole Church -
Opening remark by his Eminence J. Bapt. Cardinal Pham Minh Man (10 Feb 2012)
By Admin WebmasterMoreover, tonight, we come here to express our communion with one another hoping to share and to listern to our suffering brothers and sisters. We pray to our loving and merciful Father to heal both the physical wounds and spiritual wounds of our sick brothers and sisters. -
Message to Buddists for the Feast of Vesak
By Admin WebmasterThis year Vesak, the most important Buddhist festivity, is celebrated on 8 April in Japan, on 10 May in Korea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Singapore, and on 17 May in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. The feast marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Buddha. -
Sharing of representative from Caodaism (Feb 10th 2012)
By Admin WebmasterIt is our honor to be here today, February 10, 2012, at the Notre Dame Basilica to attend this greatly Solemn and Holy Ceremony. Tonight is the night of prayer for the patients on the “World Day of The Sick”, February 11th, 2012. With the purpose of praying for the sick, medical workers and, we make an appeal to every one, every member of our society to join us in order to relieve the pain... -
“Sharing some experience in interfaith meeting”
By Admin WebmasterA Buddhist sutra titled Śūraṃgama-Samādhi contains these words: “He who wholeheartedly serves mankind is really paying his debt of gratitude to Buddhas.” -
"The Spirit of ASSISI"
By Admin WebmasterThe spirit of Assisi: it was Pope John Paul II who coined the expression. Since October 27th 1986, this "spirit" has been felt a little everywhere, losing none of the power of its first flowering. I have no intention of playing the old gardener, but, having been a fascinated witness of its germination in the Pope's thought and the privileged artisan of its blooming, I feel I can affirm: on that day I heard the world's heart-beat.