2nd Semiannual Assembly of CBCV: the First Day
WCBCV -- On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, Bishop Cosme Hoàng Văn Đạt, the Secretary General of CBCV, began the first day of the assembly by announcing agenda of the day: the speech of Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli; the construction of the National Pilgrim Center of Our Lady of Lavang; and the Norms of CBCV.
Archbishop Girelli, inspired by the logo of CBCV, gave an ad lib remark instead of reading from his prepared manuscript. The logo of CBCV depicts a sailing boat journeys amid ocean waves under the Cross as its compass. Archbishop Girelli compared this sailing boat as the pilgrim Church. On this boat, Peter and other Apostles journey in the middle of wind and waves along with the faithful. The mainsail of the boat is the symbol of faith that drives us forward as we are going to celebrate the Year of Faith. “Evangelization, first and foremost, is to live our intimacy with Jesus Christ through our prayers and liturgical celebrations in the Church,” said Archbishop Girelli. “The Church in Vietnam has a beautiful tradition of praying and genuine devotion, the faithful are actively participate in sacramental life,” Archbishop Girelli commented, “They have the strength to live the spirit of Vatican II.” He also encouraged, “while the Church in Europe needs to rediscover their fundamental of Christianity, the Church in Vietnam needs to go deeper.” “If the mainsail of the sailing boat is faith then the headsail is charity. Faith and charity cannot be separated,” Archbishop Girelli concluded. In response to Archbishop Girelli’s invitation to go deeper, the Bishops discussed with his Excellency on this topic, especially in cultural integration and dialogue.
The assembly then continued its agenda, discussed about the construction of the National Pilgrim Center of Our Lady of Lavang and some possibilities to raise fund for this project. The assembly also reached consent for the leadership of this project. It was decided that Archbishop Francis Xavier Lê Văn Hồng of Huế, where the Pilgrim Center is located, will be the Chair; and Bishop of Thanh Hóa, CBCV’s Vice President and Treasurer, will be the Deputy for this project.
In the afternoon of the first day, after having finished discussion about the Pilgrim Center of Our Lady of Lavang, the assembly discussed about the tasks for the retired Bishops, who are capable to continue their service for CBCV. Bishop Peter Nguyễn Văn Khảm, Chair of CBCV’s Social Communication Committee also introduced a newly official channel of CBCV in English, the website http://www.cbcvietnam.org. The assembly spent the rest of the day to prepare for the Pastoral Letter on the Year of Faith. This subject will continue to be discussed in the next days.
Communication Office of CBCV
Source: cbcvietnam.org