
    • Humble pope may signal change for Asia

      Humble pope may signal change for Asia

      Catholic leaders and civil society organizations said on Friday that the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis signals hope that the Vatican will pay closer attention to the needs of the poor throughout the world, particularly Indonesia....“Yesterday I read an article saying that [then] Cardinal Bergoglio ...
    • Peres invites Pope Francis to Israel

      Peres invites Pope Francis to Israel

      President Shimon Peres on Thursday invited Pope Francis to visit Israel, the day after the former archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was elected as pontiff by the College of Cardinals. Speaking to a visiting delegation of Church leaders from Poland, Peres said ...
    • Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry

      Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry

      I thank the Lord that I can celebrate this Holy Mass for the inauguration of my Petrine ministry on the solemnity of Saint Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mary and the patron of the universal Church. It is a significant coincidence, and it is also the name-day of my venerable predecessor: we are ...
    • Ecumenical network observes World Water Day

      Ecumenical network observes World Water Day

      World Water Day, initiated by the United Nations in 1993, is celebrated each year on 22 March to promote activities addressing water issues. In a side event on “Living Water: Towards a Water-Secure World” at the forum, along with other religious leaders, EWN coordinator Dinesh Suna spoke about the role of faith-based ...
    • Angelus: Pope wishes youth a Good Journey to WYD 2013

      Angelus: Pope wishes youth a Good Journey to WYD 2013

      At the end of this morning’s Mass for Palm Sunday (24 March 2013), and before praying the Angelus, the Pope called upon the intercession of our Lady, particularly in favour of those suffering with tuberculosis and young persons...
    • Adult stem cell conference: A cultural perspective

      Adult stem cell conference: A cultural perspective

      An International Conference on adult stem cell research is due to open on Thursday in the Vatican. The event three day event entitled “Regenerative Medicine: Fundamental Change in Science and Culture, brings together politicians, medical researchers and
    • Pastor launches new Qu`ran burning stunt

      Pastor launches new Qu'ran burning stunt

      A top Muslim cleric has asked Christians to support a protest against a new plan to burn copies of the Qu’ran. Announced in a press release this week from Terry Jones, an American pastor who has gained notoriety through past anti-Islamic initiatives, the latest stunt would involve the
    • The Global Religious Landscape (7)

      The Global Religious Landscape (7)

      There are about 488 million Buddhists worldwide, representing 7% of the world’s total population as of 2010. The three major branches of Buddhism in the modern world are Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism and Vajrayana (sometimes described as Tibetan) Buddhism.12 While ...
    • Pope`s Reflection on Vatican II (Part 4)

      Pope's Reflection on Vatican II (Part 4)

      Here is the fourth and final part of a Vatican translation of the reflection Benedict XVI gave Feb. 14, when he met with the clergy of Rome. The Holy Father delivered the reflection extemporaneously, recounting some of his memories of the Second Vatican Council.
    • Pope Benedict XVI`s farewell Angelus: I will never abandon the Church

      Pope Benedict XVI's farewell Angelus: I will never abandon the Church

      This was Pope Benedict XVI’s parting message on Sunday, during his last Angelus address. At noon the canons sounded from the Janiculum hill and the great bells of St Peter’s basilica rang out. And as the curtains were drawn from his study windows and...
    • Vatican: Motu proprio reaffirms cardinals` prerogative for start of conclave

      Vatican: Motu proprio reaffirms cardinals' prerogative for start of conclave

      (Vatican Radio) Conclave can begin before March 15th, but this very much depends on the Congregation of Cardinals, electors and non electors, who will only be convoked to their first meeting as of March 1st.
    • Benoît XVI, la culture et les arts

      Benoît XVI, la culture et les arts

      Pour Benoît XVI la théologie, la culture et les arts, sont révélateurs du mystère de Dieu et contribuent à la recherche du Beau. Pour preuve, les discours qui ont jalonné son pontificat.
    • Benoît XVI parle de la joie du Concile

      Benoît XVI parle de la joie du Concile

      Cité du Vatican, 15 février 2013 (VIS). Hier, dans le cadre de sa rencontre avec les curés de Rome et le clergé résidant dans le diocèse, Benoît XVI a longuement évoqué le Concile Vatican II, confiant en particulier des souvenirs personnels d'expert. Voici de larges extraits de son intervention improvisée:
    • Questions of faith: What is Benedict XVI really like?

      Questions of faith: What is Benedict XVI really like?

      As the world bids farewell to Pope Benedict XVI we ask our very own official from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor John Kennedy, what the Holy Father is really like. Taking a brief pause from our series ...
    • List of Famous Women in the Bible

      List of Famous Women in the Bible

      Of the 188 named women in the Bible, two stand out above all others -- Eve and Mary. Eve is the mother of the human race, according to the Bible, while Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. They exemplify the ambiguous position women occupy in the largely male-dominated, patriarchal society which ...
    • Conclave: timetable for first days

      Conclave: timetable for first days

      During the course of the briefing for journalists on Saturday in the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, outlined a timetable for the ceremonies and proceedings on the first days of the upcoming Conclave. The times given below are tentative and approximate...
    • Conclave: Black smoke at ballot I

      Conclave: Black smoke at ballot I

      (Vatican Radio) There was no doubt about it: it was shortly after 7:40 pm Tuesday evening in Rome that the charcoal black smoke came billowing out of the smokestack above the Sistine Chapel, signalling that Cardinals meeting in day one of their conclave were....
    • The Cardinals who will elect the Pope

      The Cardinals who will elect the Pope

      Categorizing the cardinals from area of origin, the 60 European cardinals come from: Italy: 28. Germany: 6. Spain: 5. Poland: 4. France: 4. Austria: 1. Belgium: 1. Switzerland: 1. Portugal: 2. Netherlands:1. ....
    • Teacher`s Days around the world

      Teacher's Days around the world

      In many countries, Teachers' Days are intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers, and may include celebrations to honor them for their special contributions in a particular field area, or the community in general. The date on which Teachers' day is celebrated varies from country to country. Teachers' days are distinct from World Teachers' Day which is officially celebrated across the world on October 5.[1]
    • Is God Interfering? A Question of Great Intellectual Debate

      Is God Interfering? A Question of Great Intellectual Debate

      Lately, I have been reading a book called Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. It is an amazing book with so much articulation about the Lord, his intent of creating this universe, and the reason for duality and relativity in this world, among many other issues of great spiritual ...
    • Iraq declares Christmas a holiday in bid to support Christian minority

      Iraq declares Christmas a holiday in bid to support Christian minority

      The government of Iraq has declared Christmas Day a national holiday, in a gesture of support for the country’s embattled religious minority.
    • Recognize the gifts received and return in charity and service - Mgr. John Tong

      Recognize the gifts received and return in charity and service - Mgr. John Tong

      This is what the Archbishop of Hong Kong, Mgr.John Tong says, newly-appointed Cardinal, in his Lenten message entitled "Recognizing and being able to return the goods received."
    • Saint-Père Benoît XVI: ``Témoigner la joie de l`amour du Christ``

      Saint-Père Benoît XVI: "Témoigner la joie de l'amour du Christ"

      « Que votre mission dans l'Église et dans le monde soit toujours et uniquement « dans le Christ », qu'elle réponde à sa logique et non à celle du monde, qu'elle soit éclairée par la foi et animée par la charité qui nous viennent de la Croix glorieuse du Seigneur » : telle est l'exhortation que le Saint-Père Benoît XVI a adressé aux 22 nouveaux Cardinaux créés au cours du Consistoire ayant eu lieu dans la Basilique Saint-Pierre au matin du 18 février.
    • Benoît XVI est entré en Carême

      Benoît XVI est entré en Carême

      Benoît XVI a ouvert mercredi 22 février les célébrations du Carême en l’église bénédictine Saint-Anselme, sur la colline de romaine de l’Aventin, par un temps de prière et d’adoration avant de se rendre en procession à la basilique Sainte-Sabine pour la messe des Cendres
    • Minh Ly sect receives legal status

      Minh Ly sect receives legal status

      HCM CITY — The Minh Ly Dao – Tam Tong Mieu (Minh Ly sect under the Three-Religion Temple) has received official permission to practise their religious rites.
    • Half of migrants are Christian

      Half of migrants are Christian

      According to a recent investigation by the Pew Research Center –an independent institute for political and social analysis based in Washington –about half of the world's migrants are Christian and more than a quarter Muslim.This research was carried out in the year 2010 and includes comparisons with data based on various studies on immigration.
    • Making migration work

      Making migration work

      “Building bridges of opportunity: migration and diversity” that was the theme of a round table discussion sponsored by the U.S. embassy to the Holy See and the Pontifical North American College here in Rome Thursday.
    • Japan remembers its 19,000 tsunami victims

      Japan remembers its 19,000 tsunami victims

      Tokyo (AsiaNews/ Agencies) - At 2.46 pm, Japan paused for a minute of silence to remember the 19,000 people who died on 11 March 2011 as a result of a chain of events that began with an earthquake and ended with a tsunami crashing on towns and villages in the northern prefectures of Sendai, Miyagi and Fukushima.
    • Bishop of Santiago de Cuba reflects on visit of Benedict XVI

      Bishop of Santiago de Cuba reflects on visit of Benedict XVI

      Ahead of the March 23-29 visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Mexico and Cuba, the president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba, Archbishop Dionisio Garcia Ibáñez of Santiago de Cuba, offers the following reflection, in English and Spanish, to share with U.S. Catholics just what this visit means to the Church in Cuba.
    • World church leader gathering begins

      World church leader gathering begins

      Some 400 Christian leaders from around the world began a six-day conference in Manila today on Christian mission and evangelism organized by the World Council of Churches.

    Xem Tất cả

    • Pope`s Reflection on Vatican II (Part 3)

      Pope's Reflection on Vatican II (Part 3)

      Here is the third part of a Vatican translation of the reflection Benedict XVI gave last Thursday, Feb. 14, when he met with the clergy of Rome. The Holy Father delivered the reflection extemporaneously, recounting some of his memories of the Second Vatican Council
    • Contribution de la Conférence épiscopale à la refonte de la Constitution de 1992

      Contribution de la Conférence épiscopale à la refonte de la Constitution de 1992

      Les évêques groupent leurs considérations autour de trois points successifs, les droits de l’homme, la souveraineté populaire et l’exercice du pouvoir politique. Chacun de ces points amène les auteurs de cette contribution à pointer du doigt une affirmation qui rend incohérent le projet de ...
    • Noël dans un monastère vietnamien

      Noël dans un monastère vietnamien

      Le matin du 24, j'ai assisté, sidérée et hilare, à une représentation jouée par les moines : chants, chorégraphies, saynettes et même défilé de mode !
    • At least 13 Vietnamese killed in Thai road accident

      At least 13 Vietnamese killed in Thai road accident

      At least 13 Vietnamese passengers were killed early on Monday when their van collided with a truck as they travelled to northeastern Thailand, police said.
    • Light pollution causes traffic accidents, health issues in Vietnam

      Light pollution causes traffic accidents, health issues in Vietnam

      This is because excessive light can cause myriad problems such as disease, sleep deprivation, traffic accidents, and other issues harmful to human health. Damage caused by electric light has not been dealt with seriously, despite the fact that it has been identified by ...
    • Paris exhibition features photos of changing VN

      Paris exhibition features photos of changing VN

      Portraits of Vietnamese ethnic groups taken by photographers Sebastien Laval from France and Le Vuong of Viet Nam will be on show in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris from today until July 6.
    • Foreign students learn about Tet preparations in Mekong Delta

      Foreign students learn about Tet preparations in Mekong Delta

      As Tet is only three days away, the foreign students who recently paid a visit to a city in the Mekong Delta probably still cannot forget what they saw and did there when locals prepared for their biggest festival in a year.
    • Saigon flower fests ready for Tet

      Saigon flower fests ready for Tet

      Ho Chi Minh City has become more colorful thanks to a number of flower festivals organized to bring the atmosphere of Tet (Vietnam's Lunar New Year) to both local people and foreign tourists.
    • No family fuss in Vietnam

      No family fuss in Vietnam

      When we reached down south, the kids were so happy and excited. I’m sure the adults were too but this is just the Vietnamese way. Love is not expressed with words but with actions and feelings. The expression ‘no fuss please, we’re British’ could be applied. Keeping emotions intact but the love is there all the same.
    • Valentine’s Day and Vietnamese love language

      Valentine’s Day and Vietnamese love language

      "Anh yêu em!", "Em yêu anh!" (both mean “I love you!”) Ah… it’s that special time of the year, isn’t it? Spring’s not far away and young women across Vietnam are busy chatting online about Ngày Valentine or...
    • Hoi An: Festival of lights

      Hoi An: Festival of lights

      Thousands of local people and tourists flock to the Nguyen Tieu Festival in the ancient town of Hoi An in central Quang Nam Province. The city lights up with lanterns, candlelit paper flowers and cultural performances in the old quarter and the Hoai River.
    • Women are the nation`s backbone

      Women are the nation's backbone

      Saturday, March 8 in case you did not notice is International Women’s Day and is the perfect occasion to take your wife, mother or daughter out for a meal to thank them for being such an important part of your life.
    • Exhibition tells tale of two cities

      Exhibition tells tale of two cities

      An exhibition featuring urban mutations of France's Rhone-Alpes region and HCM City, aims to show the relationship between the two metropolises. The exhibition Meandering Through the City, to be held from March 16-23 at Lam Son square ...
    • New project for 2000 children at the National Hospital for Pediatrics in Hanoi

      New project for 2000 children at the National Hospital for Pediatrics in Hanoi

      The National Hospital for Pediatrics in Hanoi and Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, in Rome have just launched a new project born from the need for special assistance to children with birth defects and genitourinary renal failure and therefore need specialized surgical treatments...
    • Vietnam: Playing in friendly

      Vietnam: Playing in friendly

      US and Vietnam People's Navy Sailors play volleyball during a barbecue and sports day at Navy Zone 3, Da Nang, Vietnam. Both sides won a game, and then played the final set with mixed teams.
    • Nationally-recognized Ponagar festival opens

      Nationally-recognized Ponagar festival opens

      The Ponagar fest, the biggest cultural event held by Cham people in the south of the central region, kicked off on Apr 30 in Khanh Hoa’s Nha Trang coastal city.
    • HCM City opens Spring Flower Festival

      HCM City opens Spring Flower Festival

      The Spring Flower Festival 2013, under the theme ‘The country’s position and people’s will,” opened in Tao Dan Park, Ho Chi Minh City on February 5.
    • Festival Events in Tet in Vietnam

      Festival Events in Tet in Vietnam

      For tourists who plan to stay in one city, Tet is colorful, friendly and fun--but the whole country is on the move going home for the holiday, so travel at this time is challenging. Traditional fireworks are the main Tet attraction, and flower markets are lush and extraordinary.
    • Traditional music festival gathers expat Vietnamese players

      Traditional music festival gathers expat Vietnamese players

      A “dan tranh” (16-chord zither) festival, which kicked off on Monday, is attended by several expat Vietnamese ensembles the world over who have been dedicated to their home country’s traditional musical instrument.
    • Ho Chi Minh City`s cool homegrown Ikea

      Ho Chi Minh City's cool homegrown Ikea

      A carefully-curated collection of hand-crafted South-East Asian items is now on display at the sleek new Sadec District in Ho Chi Minh City. A new store opened at the top of HCMC’s District 1 in April, providing the city with a sleek place to shop for cool local products ...
    • Table ronde autour de l’ouvrage « Le phénomène humain » de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

      Table ronde autour de l’ouvrage « Le phénomène humain » de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

      Dans ce livre, l’auteur développe une vision originale de l'univers, dans laquelle l'évolution s'applique au domaine de l'esprit, dans une tentative de réconciliation de la science moderne et de la spiritualité.
    • Delta faces major water crisis

      Delta faces major water crisis

      More efforts must be made to efficiently manage and use scarce water resources of the Mekong River as climate change and rapid development to produce electricity have threatened its sustainability.
    • Japanese, VN artists usher in summer

      Japanese, VN artists usher in summer

      A group of Japanese and Vietnamese artists in HCM City is showcasing works in oil and lacquer, watercolours and mixed media, as a greeting to summer. The exhibition, Summer Meeting, displays 30 abstract paintings featuring the beauty of ...
    • 100th birth anniversaries of Han Mac Tu and Nguyen Do Cung celebrated

      100th birth anniversaries of Han Mac Tu and Nguyen Do Cung celebrated

      The Binh Dinh provincial People's Committee and the Vietnam Writers' Association (VWA) jointly organised a number of activities to mark the 100th anniversary of poet Han Mac Tu, who was born on September 22, 1912.
    • Saigon : le pape François accepte la démission du cardinal Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Mân. Mgr Paul Bui Van Doc lui succède

      Saigon : le pape François accepte la démission du cardinal Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Mân. Mgr Paul Bui Van Doc lui succède

      Le 22 mars 2014, le bureau de presse du Saint-Siège a annoncé que le pape François acceptait la démission demandée depuis déjà longtemps par l’archevêque de Saigon, le cardinal Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Mân.
    • National Assembly Chairman meets Pope Francis

      National Assembly Chairman meets Pope Francis

      On Saturday (Mar. 22, 2014), National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung meets Pope Francis in the Vatican. He updated his host of the growing relationship between Viet Nam and the Catholic Church which, he said, was evidenced by annual meetings between...
    • Hue, Da Lat nominated for green city awards

      Hue, Da Lat nominated for green city awards

      Green Hue and Da Lat cities have been nominated to receive the third ASEAN environmentally sustainable cities award
    • American band to perform at Hue Festival

      American band to perform at Hue Festival

      Acclaimed American music band The Amigos will perform at a free public concert and take part in outreach events for disadvantaged people from April 12 to 14 during the Festival Hue.
    • Vietnam holds biennial Hue Festival 2014 to showcase heritage value

      Vietnam holds biennial Hue Festival 2014 to showcase heritage value

      Vietnam's biennial Hue Festival 2014, which kicked off in the central city of Hue on Saturday and runs through April 20, is expected to give tourists a host of compelling art, cultural and fashion performances from Vietnam and 36 other countries and territories.
    • Over 21,600 foreigners flock to Vietnam’s ongoing Hue Festival

      Over 21,600 foreigners flock to Vietnam’s ongoing Hue Festival

      By the end of last Sunday, 49,181 tourists, including 21,604 foreigners, arrived in Hue to join the 2014 Hue Festival, which opened last Saturday and closes on April 20, the festival’s organizer announced at the April 14 press conference.

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  • Xem Tất cả

    • Benoît XVI, dès son arrivée au Liban, a appelé à la paix

      Benoît XVI, dès son arrivée au Liban, a appelé à la paix

      Arrivé à Beyrouth vendredi 14 septembre, le pape s’est adressé aux autorités politiques du pays, les encourageant à un dialogue avec l’ensemble des composantes religieuses du pays.
    • 10th Anniversary Celebration of United Nations Day of Vesak

      10th Anniversary Celebration of United Nations Day of Vesak

      Objectives: To work and cooperate among Buddhist communities and institutions to foster cooperation and friendship with each other at the national and international levels, in accordance with government policy...
    • Bloody day for Pakistan as bombs kill 118

      Bloody day for Pakistan as bombs kill 118

      “The bloodshed will not end until we quit the foreign imposed war on terror. We condemn all terrorists who are using religion to make us fight against each other,” said the Sunni leader.
    • Vietnamese Professor wins Cino del Duca Prize

      Vietnamese Professor wins Cino del Duca Prize

      Professor of Astronomy Trinh Xuan Thuan from the University of Virginia has been awarded the 2012 Cino del Duca Prize from the French Academy (6 Juin 2012). Thuan has become the first Vietnamese to receive the award.
    • Pope Benedict XVI: Christmas Urbi et Orbi Message

      Pope Benedict XVI: Christmas Urbi et Orbi Message

      “If we believe”. Here we see the power of faith! God has done everything; he has done the impossible: he was made flesh. His all-powerful love has accomplished something which surpasses all human understanding: the Infinite has become a child, has entered the human family.
    • We should not be afraid to renew the Church`s `ancient, passing structures`

      We should not be afraid to renew the Church's 'ancient, passing structures'

      During the Mass he celebrated at Domus Sanctae Marthae, Francis stressed the "renewal" Jesus brought. The "Church has always been attentive to this, with dialogue with cultures . . . It always allows itself to be renewed according to places, times, and...
    • Pope Francis to Media Representatives (16 March 2013)

      Pope Francis to Media Representatives (16 March 2013)

      It is important, dear friends, to take into due account this way of looking at things, this hermeneutic, in order to bring into proper focus what really happened in these days.
    • Pope consecrates world to immaculate heart of Mary

      Pope consecrates world to immaculate heart of Mary

      The Pope celebrated mass in St Peter’s square this morning in honour of the Marian Day, an event organised as part of the Year of Faith on the anniversary of the final apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima (13th of October 1917). He also consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    • Syrian delegation brings message to Pope

      Syrian delegation brings message to Pope

      A delegation from the Syrian government met on Saturday morning with the Vatican Secretary of State, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, and Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States.
    • The Pope establishes the Financial Security Committee

      The Pope establishes the Financial Security Committee

      Pope Francis has issued, on Thursday, 8 August, a Motu Proprio for the prevention and countering of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Pursuant to the steps already taken by...
    • Pope Benedict`s Address on Resignation from the See of Rome

      Pope Benedict's Address on Resignation from the See of Rome

      "I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry"
    • Bethlehem: Basilica of the Nativity could trigger diplomatic crisis

      Bethlehem: Basilica of the Nativity could trigger diplomatic crisis

      The Basilica of the Nativity will be the first site in Palestine to be added to UNESCO’S list of world heritage sites. But Israel and the U.S. consider the presence of the Ramallah Authority in the UN’s cultural organisation to be illegitimate.
    • Syria agrees to ceasefire during Eid Al-Adha Holiday, Peace Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi Says

      Syria agrees to ceasefire during Eid Al-Adha Holiday, Peace Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi Says

      The U.N. Security Council gave unanimous backing Wednesday to a four-day truce proposed by the international mediator for Syria to mark a major Muslim holiday after he warned that the failure of yet another cease-fire plan would only worsen the fighting. Yet even this modest effort – the international community's only plan for scaling back the violence – appears doomed.
    • Lettre du Saint-Père à Son Excellence M. Vladimir Poutine

      Lettre du Saint-Père à Son Excellence M. Vladimir Poutine

      La rencontre des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement des Vingt économies les plus puissantes -avec les deux tiers de la population mondiale, et 90 % du produit mondial brut - n'a pas pour but principal la sécurité mondiale. Néanmoins, la rencontre n'oubliera certainement pas la situation au Moyen Orient et en particulier en Syrie...
    • Message of peace from Catholic boy who died in bomb blast

      Message of peace from Catholic boy who died in bomb blast

      The biblical prophet Isaiah had a vision of peace: “The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.” (Isaiah 11:6). Today that little child is 8-year-old Martin Richard, killed in the bombing at the Boston Marathon.
    • A prayer for Syria

      A prayer for Syria

      The Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches began with a prayer for the people of Syria on Thursday morning, 19 November. The prayer was led by Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, at the Mass he celebrated in the...
    • Inside the synod: The synod fathers’ various viewpoints

      Inside the synod: The synod fathers’ various viewpoints

      The synod fathers began today to make their five-minute interventions One fraternal delegate from the Lutheran church indicated that the synod is crucial to all Christian churches. All are eager to recover the joy of believing.
    • Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration and Evangelium Vitae Day. World: key year of faith events

      Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration and Evangelium Vitae Day. World: key year of faith events

      The first of these events, the Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration, will be broadcast from St. Peter’s Basilica next Sunday, 2 June from 5:00pm-6:00pm local time. Its theme is: “One Lord, One Faith”, which was chosen to testify to the deep unity that characterizes it. “It will be...
    • Excutive summary of Archbishop Myers`Pastoral Letter on Marriage

      Excutive summary of Archbishop Myers'Pastoral Letter on Marriage

      What does the Catholic Church teach about persons with homosexual attractions? There are 2,865 paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Only three of them deal directly with the question of same-sex attraction. In two of these paragraphs (2358-59), the Church reaffirms ...
    • Father`s Day Around the World

      Father's Day Around the World

      The idea of celebrating Fathers Day has been imported from western countries mainly US, perhaps less than a decade ago. However, it is remarkable to note that the idea of observing a day in honor of fathers has been appreciated by Indians to a large extent. Today, millions of people in India observe Father's Day on the third Sunday of June by expressing gratitude for their father or men who are like father.
    • Is there still no room in the inn, pope asks

      Is there still no room in the inn, pope asks

      The Holy Father suggested that our attitude toward the homeless, towards refugees and migrants "takes on a deeper dimension: do we really have room for God when he seeks to enter under our roof? Do we have time and space for him? Do we not actually turn away God himself?"
    • Texas Senate passes pro-life bill

      Texas Senate passes pro-life bill

      The legislature in Texas, the second-most populous U.S. state, has voted on a comprehensive pro-life bill aimed at protecting women’s health and limiting abortion. The bill bans abortions after 20 weeks, and requires doctors performing an abortion to ...
    • Programme des activités du pape François d’ici à la Semaine Sainte

      Programme des activités du pape François d’ici à la Semaine Sainte

      Mardi 19 mars, 9 h 30 : place Saint-Pierre, messe solennelle d’inauguration du pontificat (accès public libre à partir de 6 h 30), suivie du salut aux délégations officielles et d’un déjeuner avec les cardinaux à la Maison Sainte-Marthe.
    • Pope Francis meets Palestinian President Abu Mazen

      Pope Francis meets Palestinian President Abu Mazen

      The Holy See's Press Office has issued a statement regarding today's meeting between Pope Francis and Palestinian President Abu Mazen. The following is an English translation of that communique:...
    • Pope: best New Year wish fully realized in Mary, Mother of God

      Pope: best New Year wish fully realized in Mary, Mother of God

      At Mass on the Octave of Christmas, and the 47th anniversary of the World Day of Peace ("Fraternity, the foundation and Path to Peace"), Pope Francis emphasizes that the faith of the Church is modelled on that of Mary, who beneath the Cross of Jesus became the Mother of...
    • Scores of Churches burned after deadly clashes in Egypt

      Scores of Churches burned after deadly clashes in Egypt

      In an interview with ZENIT, John Pontifex, head of press and information for Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) spoke about the escalating situation in Egypt, and what this means for Christian communities in Cairo and throughout the country:
    • Massive meteor hits Russia: hundreds injured

      Massive meteor hits Russia: hundreds injured

      A meteor with the power of an atomic bomb hit central Russia Friday, injuring more than 750 people and causing damage to buildings across the Ural Mountains...
    • Prayer, commitment and fraternity for Syria

      Prayer, commitment and fraternity for Syria

      Vatican City, 21 June 2012 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received participants in the annual general meeting of the Reunion of Organisations for Aid to the Oriental Churches (ROACO).
    • Questions of Faith: catechism, catechists, catechumen

      Questions of Faith: catechism, catechists, catechumen

      (Vatican Radio) In Vatican Radio’s new series “Questions of Faith”, accompanying Pope Benedict XVI’s catechesis on the Year of Faith, Monsignor John Kennedy an Official at the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith will be on hand to answer listener’s questions on everything from why we are baptised as infants to why priests don’t get married.
    • Nuncio in Damascus: The victims of chemical warfare and Pope`s prayer hasten radical change in Syria

      Nuncio in Damascus: The victims of chemical warfare and Pope's prayer hasten radical change in Syria

      For Msgr . Mario Zenari , the " innocent victims " and " Pope's prayer " have led to two miracles : armed intervention has been avoided and the decision to destroy Damascus’ chemical weapons. The need to work for a political solution to the conflict. The UN report confirms the...

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