Card Phạm Minh Mẫn calls on the faithful to pray for new pope and Benedict XVI

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Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews) - In the first weeks of March, Vietnamese Catholics will pray for the future pope and for the cardinal-electors who will select Card Phạm Minh Mẫn calls on the faithful to pray for new pope and Benedict XVIBenedict XVI's successor. Lay people, priests, nuns and men and women religious will take part in special Masses and meetings in response to an invitation by Cardinal Jean-Baptiste Phạm Minh Mẫn, archbishop of Saigon, sent out on Monday to all the dioceses and parishes in the country.

The prelate will be among the 115 cardinals to sit in conclave to elect a new pope. He is expected in Rome for the weekend.

"When I heard about his resignation, I felt sorry," Archbishop Phạm Minh Mẫn told AsiaNews.

"Benedict XVI is a dedicated pastor, very humble who worked in an exemplary fashion for the universal and local churches," he explained.

"In today's world, we must show our affection for the Church in a spirit of obedience to God's faith."

In response to the cardinal's letter, the cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City's First District will hold a special Mass on 9 March at 8.30 am.

The next day, all 211 parishes and all 60 male and female congregations in the city will hold prayer meetings.

Called to such a commitment, some priests and young people said that Vietnamese Catholics "are full of gratitude for Benedict XVI. His love, modesty, and humility are dedicated to the Lord and the people of God. He has served and helped the Church, looking at full human development without discrimination."

J.B. Vu


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