
  • Remembering the priest who brought a Madonna to Japan

    Remembering the priest who brought a Madonna to Japan

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    In August, Bishop Yoshinao Otsuka of Kyoto paid a visit to the town of Digna in the French diocese of Saint-Claude. His destination: the long-forgotten grave of one Father...

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  • Message of the FABC 10th Plenary Assembly Released

    Message of the FABC 10th Plenary Assembly Released

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    We thank the Lord for the historic approval of the Statutes of the FABC 40 years ago. What extraordinary blessing it is for us that four important events converge with the FABC ruby anniversary: the Year of Faith, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council...

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  • Asie: les ``quatre dialogues`` de l`Eglise

    Asie: les "quatre dialogues" de l'Eglise

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Mgr Paul Bui Van Doc fait également observer qu’en Asie, «le phénomène de la "sécularisation" pourrait être compris dans un sens différent de celui qu’il a pris dans les pays occidentaux», bien que «les mentalités, surtout celles des jeunes, présentent en partie, les mêmes caractéristiques que l’on se trouve en Occident ou dans un pays asiatique».

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  • FABC Office of Laity and Family: Oct-Dec Newsletter

    FABC Office of Laity and Family: Oct-Dec Newsletter

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Quarterly official documents of "FABC Office of Laity and Family"

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  • Cardinal Tong Urges Prayers for China-Vatican Relations

    Cardinal Tong Urges Prayers for China-Vatican Relations

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Cardinal John Tong Hon of Hong Kong has urged fellow delegates at the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences to support and pray for the successful resolution of strained relations between the Holy See and the government ...

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  • Conclusion of 10th Plenary Assembly of FABC

    Conclusion of 10th Plenary Assembly of FABC

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    “FABC recommitting itself to its work and mission for the Church in Asia” is the topic for the last meeting day in Xuan Loc, Vietnam on December 15,2012. The last day began with Morning Prayer, followed with two plenary sessions ...

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  • FABC: Korean Bishop apologizes for War Crimes in Vietnam

    FABC: Korean Bishop apologizes for War Crimes in Vietnam

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Bishop Kang later explained in an interview that this was his first trip toVietnam, so he felt he must apologize for the war crimes committed by Korean troops who fought here decades ago. “The statement I made was personal and not in the name of our bishops’ conference, but I am confident my fellow bishops would support what I did,”

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  • FABC`Document: Japan Archbishop Lists National and Global Threats to Life

    FABC'Document: Japan Archbishop Lists National and Global Threats to Life

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    XUAN LOC, Vietnam – Archbishop Leo Jun Ikenaga of Osaka highlighted natural and human-made threats to life in his report to the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC) 10th Plenary Assembly as president of the Catholic bishops' Conference of Japan.

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  • FABC Bishops Identify Challenges for ``New Evangelization``

    FABC Bishops Identify Challenges for "New Evangelization"

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Following a brief presentation of the working paper by Cardinal Gracias, several participants shared their reflections and reactions, largely based on realities they must deal with in their respective local Churches. Their interventions sketched a snapshot of challenges the Church...

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  • 10th FABC Plenary Assembly on the Third Day

    10th FABC Plenary Assembly on the Third Day

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The 10th Plenary Assembly of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) is held in Xuan Loc, Vietnam, from 10 to15 December 2012 with a pastoral and festive conclusion in Ho Chi Minh City on December 16. This Plenary Assembly gathers with the theme “FABC at 40 Years: Responding to the Challenges of Asia” to celebrate its 40thanniversary.

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  • Dreams of FABC Pioneers Offer Lessons for Today’s Asian Church Leaders

    Dreams of FABC Pioneers Offer Lessons for Today’s Asian Church Leaders

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Delegates and guests attending the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) have heard how the dreams of a few Asian bishops combined with the openness of Pope Paul VI to empower Catholic bishops of Asia to work together during the past four decades.

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  • FABC’s 10th Plenary Assembly Opens in Vietnam

    FABC’s 10th Plenary Assembly Opens in Vietnam

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The 10th Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC) opened on Dec. 11 at Xuan Loc Pastoral Centre, part of a large compound of the Catholic diocese of Xuan Loc in Dong Nai Province, east of Ho Chi Minh City.

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  • Xuân Lôc: ouverture de l’assemblée plénière de la Fédération des Conférences épiscopales d’Asie

    Xuân Lôc: ouverture de l’assemblée plénière de la Fédération des Conférences épiscopales d’Asie

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Pour la dixième fois depuis sa fondation il y a quarante ans, et pour la première fois au Vietnam, la Fédération des Conférences épiscopales d’Asie (FABC) tient son assemblée plénière. Elle s’est ouverte le 10 décembre, à l’évêché de Xuân Lôc, à une cinquantaine de kilomètres au nord de Saigon. Le thème choisi pour les débats est double : une réflexion sur les quarante années d’existence

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  • Christmas: Nepalis discover the joy of giving to the poor

    Christmas: Nepalis discover the joy of giving to the poor

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    "Although I am Hindu, I am curious about Christmas. Many of my friends and mates in school are Christian and exchanging gifts and best wishes has become a tradition for us. On Christmas night I light candles and pray for peace and my soul's salvation. This gives me hope and courage."

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  • Catholics in Asia

    Catholics in Asia

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The Vatican Declaration Dominus Iesus, released by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in September 2000, became the most “talked about” Vatican document in recent Church history. A significant criticism of the document is that it does not resonate well with the ground realities of the Church’s relations with persons of other religions.

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  • 10th Plenary Assembly Press Release

    10th Plenary Assembly Press Release

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The Vietnam plenary assembly, which is expected to be attended by delegates from theVatican, has chosen for its theme: “FABC at Forty Years -Responding to the Challenges of Asia: The New Evangelization.”

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  • FABC and the Chalenge of New Evangelization in Asia

    FABC and the Chalenge of New Evangelization in Asia

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    On the ocasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), I would like to convey my sincerest congratulations to the FABC for all...

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  • Humility, respect and silence

    Humility, respect and silence

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Asian Church may hold the key to reaching former Catholics

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  • Conclusion of the ``Month of the Holy Scriptures`` in the Diocese of Wan Zhou

    Conclusion of the "Month of the Holy Scriptures" in the Diocese of Wan Zhou

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The Diocese of Wanxian, which was part of Sichuan province before the erection of the Chongqing Municipality in 1997, lies in the district of Wanzhou and covers eight counties, in a mostly mountainous area.

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  • Taiwan and Holy See mark 70 year anniversary

    Taiwan and Holy See mark 70 year anniversary

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Taiwan and the Holy See celebrated 70 years of relations on Saturday (20 Oct. 2012) at a low-key ceremony in Taipei designed not to antagonize mainland China.

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  • Tadjikistan: Une ``année de grâce`` pour la petite communauté catholique

    Tadjikistan: Une "année de grâce" pour la petite communauté catholique

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    C'est une "année de grâce" celle que vivra la petite communauté catholique du Tadjikistan forte de 333 fidèles qui tiennent allumée la petite flamme de la Foi en Asie centrale malgré les difficultés et les nouvelles restrictions à la liberté religieuse imposées dans le pays. Les fidèles sont guidés par un petit groupe de missionnaires espagnols de l'Institut du Verbe incarné...

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  • Cambodge: Entretien avec le vicaire apostolique de Phnom Penh

    Cambodge: Entretien avec le vicaire apostolique de Phnom Penh

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    A la veille de l’ouverture à Rome du Synode pour la nouvelle évangélisation, Eglises d’Asie a interrogé Mgr Olivier Schmitthaeusler, membre de la Société des Missions Etrangères de Paris et vicaire apostolique de Phnom Penh, au Cambodge. Elu pour participer au Synode afin d’y représenter les Eglises du Cambodge et du Laos (les deux Eglises appartiennent à la même Conférence épiscopale – CELAC), il explique ..

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  • Taiwan: For the Year of Faith also a contest for the hymn that uses

    Taiwan: For the Year of Faith also a contest for the hymn that uses

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The organization of four Seminars, the publication of brochures, a competition for the hymn of the Year of Faith made by the indigenous peoples of the island: are some of the initiatives of the Church of Taiwan launched in view of the Year of Faith which will begin on 11 October 2012.

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  • Prayer and concrete help of the Catholic community to the earthquake victims of Yun Nan - China

    Prayer and concrete help of the Catholic community to the earthquake victims of Yun Nan - China

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The continental Catholic community rallied after the earthquake that occurred on September 7-2012 in the province of Yun Nan, area where there are different ethnic groups. As always in these situations, Jinde Charities, the largest Catholic charitable organization in mainland China, is at the forefront since the beginning to coordinate the emergency relief and reconstruction.

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  • Chine: 294 baptêmes en huit mois dans la Paroisse de Jiang Yin du Diocèse de Nan Jing

    Chine: 294 baptêmes en huit mois dans la Paroisse de Jiang Yin du Diocèse de Nan Jing

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Au cours des huit premiers mois de 2012, la Paroisse de Jiang Yin du Diocèse de Nan Jing en province de Jiang Su, a accueilli 294 nouveaux membres après un long chemin de préparation et de catéchèse.

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  • Asia: Evangelising on the digital continent

    Asia: Evangelising on the digital continent

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Vatican Radio (4 Sept 2012) -- The Asian church must evangelise on the digital continent and they can learn how to do this by looking at the advances made in the field by Vatican Radio. This is according to Dr. Chainarong Monthienvichienchai, Chancellor of St. John’s University, Bangkok, Thailand and a long-time consultant for Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

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  • Death of Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-Hsi

    Death of Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-Hsi

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-Hsi SJ, the Bishop emeritus of Kaohsiung in Taiwan has died at the age of 89.

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  • Thailande: Les franciscains en mission parmi les malades du SIDA, les lépreux modernes

    Thailande: Les franciscains en mission parmi les malades du SIDA, les lépreux modernes

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    L'esprit du charisme franciscain, explique-t-il, est de "rendre témoignage à l'Evangile comme l'a fait Saint François, en vivant au milieu de la population et au milieu des pauvres et des marginalisés dans la simplicité et l'humilité".

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  • China: Children’s summer pastoral: formation and experience of faith as well as fun

    China: Children’s summer pastoral: formation and experience of faith as well as fun

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    As every year the Catholic community in mainland China is intensifying the children’s summer pastoral with the organization of summer camps, meetings and catechism with many other initiatives to increase formation and experience of faith of the young people, the sense of belonging to the Church and their missionary awareness, through moments of relaxation and enjoyment.

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  • India: Frank views from the next generation

    India: Frank views from the next generation

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    “There are more than 130,000 Religious in India and a quarter of them are in their thirties, so these are people who will be leading their congregations in the next decade. This convention, with its theme of leadership, hoped to bring out the best among these young men and women, to give them new ideas and a new approach to the consecrated life.”

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