FABC Related Studies
FABC Related Studies
Doctoral Dissertations (listed chronologically)
1) Putranta, Carolus Boromeus. The Idea of the Church in the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), 1970-1982. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Theology, 1985.
2) Paikada, Mathew. Characteristics of an Indian Liberation Theology as an Authentic Christian Theology: A Study based on the Analysis of the Indian Situation and the Documents of the CBCI and the FABC. Dr. Theol. dis. Münster, Germany: Westphalia Wilhelms University, Faculty of Catholic Theology, 1988. *Published as: Mathew Paikada. Indian Theology of Liberation as an Authentic Christian Theology: Hermeneutical and Theological Perspectives on Dialogue, Inculturation and Liberation. New Delhi: Intercultural Publications, 2000.
3) Dinh Duc Dao, Joseph. Preghiera Rinnovata per una Nuova Era Missionaria in Asia. D.Miss. dis. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Missiology, 1993.
4) Handoko, Petrus Maria. Lay Ministries in the Mission and Ministry of the Church in Asia: A Critical Study of the Documents of the FABC, 1970-1991. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Theology, 1993.
5) Mariampillai, Don Bosco M. The Emerging Asian Theology of Liberation in the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, 1974-1986. Ph.D. dis. Ottawa: St. Paul University, Faculty of Theology, 1993.
6) Nemet, Ladislav. Inculturation in the Philippines: A Theological Study of the Question of Inculturation in the Documents of CBCP and Selected Filipino Theologians in the Light of Vatican II and the Documents of FABC. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Theology, 1994.
7) Ezhanikatt, Vincent. Evangelization in India in the Light of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences Documents from 1970 to 1991. D.Miss. dis. Rome: Pontifical Urbaniana University, Faculty of Missiology, 1995.
8) Nam Ki Ok, Marta. Il Ruolo Evangelizzatore Dei Fedeli Laici nel Contesto Socio-culturale in Corea alla Luce Dei Documenti della FABC dal 1980 al 1991. D.Miss. dis. Rome: Pontifical Urbaniana University, Faculty of Missiology, 1996.
9) Thumma, Lucas. An Inquiry into the Ethico-Legal Methodology of the Social Teachings of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences Documents from 1970 to 1991. S.T.D. dis. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College of Theology, Faculty of Theology, 1996.
10) Bula, Augustinus. A Study of the Evangelizing Mission of the Church in Contemporary Asia in Light of the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, 1970-1995. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical Urbaniana University, Faculty of Theology, 1997.
11) Thoppil, James. Towards an Asian Ecclesiology: Understanding of the Church in the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), 1970-1995 and the Asian Ecclesiological Trends. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical Urbaniana University, Faculty of Theology, 1998. *Updated and published as: James Thoppil. Towards an Asian Ecclesiology: The Understanding of the Church in the Documents of the FABC (1970-2000). Shillong, India: Oriens Publications and Asian Trading Corporation, 2005.
12) Alangaram, Arockiam. Christ of the Asian Peoples: Towards an Asian Contextual Christology Based on the Documents of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. Dr. Theol. dis. Innsbruck, Austria: Leopold-Franzens University, Catholic Theology Faculty, 1998. *Adapted and published as: A. Alangaram. Christ of the Asian Peoples: Towards an Asian Contextual Christology, based on the Documents of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. Rev. ed. Bangalore, India: Asian Trading Corporation, 2001.
13) Quatra, Miguel Marcelo. Regno di Dio e Missione della Chiesa nel Contesto Asiatico: Uno Studio sui Documenti della FABC (1970-1995). D.Miss. dis. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Missiology, 1998. *Translated, edited, and published as: Quatra, Miguel Marcelo. At the Side of the Multitudes: The Kingdom of God and the Mission of the Church in the FABC Documents. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 2000.
14) Anatriello, Sinani. Spirituality for the Laity in the Toungngu Diocese in the Light of the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC). S.T.D. dis. Rome: International Carmelite College (Teresianum), Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Institute of Spirituality, 1999.
15) Punda Panda, Herman. Towards Living Together in Harmony: A Study of Interreligious Dialogue as an Effort to Promote Harmony among Believers of Various Religions, Based on the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) Documents from 1970 to 1996. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical Urbaniana University, Faculty of Theology, 2001.
16) Nguyen Van Am. Laity in Asia: Mission as Inculturation in the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. S.T.D. dis. Berkeley, California: Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 2001.
17) Boromeo, Charles. Priestly Formation in the Light of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC): Towards a Model in the Burmese Context. S.T.D. dis. Rome: International Carmelite College (Teresianum), Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Institute of Spirituality, 2002.
18) Tan, Jonathan. “Missio ad gentes” in Asia: A Comparative Study of the Missiology of John Paul II and the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC). Ph.D. dis. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America, 2002. *Partly presented as a discussion guide for FABC VIII and published as FABC Papers 109 (2004).
19) Chia, Edmund Kee-Fook. Towards a Theology of Dialogue: Schillebeeckx’s Method as Bridge between Vatican’s Dominus Iesus and Asia’s FABC Theology. Ph.D. dis. Nijmegen, The Netherlands: University of Nijmegen, 2003. *Published as: Edmund Kee-Fook Chia. Towards a Theology of Dialogue: Schillebeeckx’s Method as Bridge between Vatican’s Dominus Iesus and Asia’s FABC Theology. Bangkok: Edmund Chia, 2003.
20) Stany, Anthonypillai. The Role of the Religious in the Life of the Church in Asia: A Study in the Light of FABC Documents. S.T.D. dis. Rome: Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Faculty of Theology, 2003.
21) Kadaliyil, Abraham. Toward a Relational Spirit Ecclesiology in Asia: A Study on the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. Th.D. dis. Berkeley, California: Graduate Theological Union, 2006.
22) Varayilan, Davis. Pilgrim Church and the Holy Spirit: A Comparative Study of the Pneumatological Ecclesiology of Cardinal Yves Congar and the FABC Documents (1970-2005). S.T.D. dis. Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2006.
23) Thainese, Alphonse. Laity in the Participatory Communion in the Local Church of Andhra: An Ecclesiological Inquiry Based on the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences 1970-2005. Th.D. dis. Bangalore: Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Pontifical Athenaeum of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law, 2006.
24) Chang, Jeffrey G.L. Ordained Ministry in the Mission and Ministry of the Church in Asia, in Light of the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, 1970-2005. S.T.D. dis. Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University, Faculty of Theology of St. Robert Bellarmine, 2007. *Published as: Jeffrey G.L. Chang. Communion and Spiritual Leadership in Asia: Ordained Ministry in the Mission and Ministry of the Church in Asia in Light of the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, 1970-2005. Rome: Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2008.
25) Rukiayanto, Bernardus Agus. A New Way of Being Church: A Study of Inculturation in the Church of Asia and of Indonesia, A Roman Catholic Perspective. S.T.D. dis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Weston Jesuit School of Theology, 2007.
26) Mendoza, Ruben C. A Church in Dialogue with Peoples of Other Faiths: A Journey to the Kingdom in the Spirit. The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences 1970-2007. PhD/STD dis. Leuven: Faculty of Theology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2009.
27) Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan. The FABC Vision of Evangelization through Social Communication and the Local Church in Vietnam. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola School of Theology, 2008.
28)Hai, Peter N.V. Lay People in the Asian Church: A Critical Study of the Role of the Laity in the Contextual Theology of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (1970-2001) with Special Reference to John Paul II's Apostolic Exhortations “Christifideles Laici” (1989) and “Ecclesia in Asia” (1999), and the Pastoral Letters of the Vietnamese Episcopal Conference. Ph.D. dis. Sydney: Australian Catholic University, 2009.
29) Tran Ngoc Dang, Dominic. Inculturation in Missionary Formation according to the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences documents (1970-2006) with Special Reference to the Mission in Vietnam. Rome: Urbaniana University, 2009.
30) Nguyen, Thao. A new way of being church for mission Asian Catholic bishops and Asian Catholic women in dialogue: A study of the documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC). Th.D. dis. Berkeley, California: Graduate Theological Union, 2013.
31) Maria Eliza A. Borja. An Analysis of the FABC Documents on the Asian Family (1979-2013). Ph.D. dis. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola School of Theology, 2014.
Note: The title pages, tables of contents, and bibliographies of the preceding dissertations completed by 2008 have been reproduced in: Kroeger, James H., ed. Theology from the Heart of Asia: FABC Doctoral Dissertations. 2 vols. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 2008.
Licentiate and Masteral Theses (listed chronologically)
1) Riordan, Michael. The Theology of Harmony in the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. L.Miss. thesis. Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Missiology, 1995.
2) Aniceto, Dereh. The Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences' (FABC) Teaching on Integral Human Development in the Context of the Catholic Church of Myanmar-Taunggyi Diocese. S.T.L. thesis. Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2001.
3) Laksana, Albertus Bagus. The Spirit at Work: Asian Pneumatology from Below and the Problem of Religious Pluralism. S.T.L. thesis. Cambridge, MA: Weston Jesuit School of Theology, 2005.
4) Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan. The FABC Vision of Evangelization through Social Communication and the Local Church in Vietnam. M.A. thesis. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University, 2008.
5) Nguyen Thien Throng. Interreligious Dialogue: Reading the Teachings of the Vatican and the Statements of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC) in the Context of Australia. M.A. thesis. Melbourne: Melbourne College of Divinity, 2008.
6) Charles Bertille. The FABC Theology of the Laity and Its Relevance for Forming Leaders in Asia's local Church. M.A. thesis. Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2012.
7) Thomas Nguyen Thanh Nguyen. The FABC Vision of Evangelization and Its Relevance for the Church in Asia, Particular in Vietnam. S.T.L. thesis. Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2012.
8) Maria A.A.F. Antonetta Pereira. The FABC Vision of Youth Evangelizers Particularly in the Archdiocese of Goa. S.T.L. thesis: Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2014.
9) Ambrosio Folres, SJ. Towards Inculturating Theology in the Context of the Umajamnens of Bukidnon in the Light of the FABC Vision of Inculturation. S.T.L. thesis: Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2015.
10) Geraldine Sasirekeh Eusabius Soosal Nayagam, RMI. The Mission Spirituality of the Claretian Missionary Sisters and the FABC Vision of Evangelization in Asia.. S.T.L. thesis: Manila: Loyola School of Theology, 2015.
Note: Corrections and additions are kindly requested. Please contact the FABC-Office of Social Communication at fabcosc@gmail.com
Compiled by Fr. Jeffrey Chang, sj
Ateneo de Manila, Quezon City, Philippines
(updated 2010.1.27).
Suorce: http://www.fabc.org/