Preparations continue ahead of Pope Francis' visit to Korea

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There is less than a month to go until Pope Francis begins his visit to South Korea from August 13-18. Among the highlights of the visit are the Holy Father’s Preparations continue ahead of Pope Francis' visit to Koreascheduled meeting with young people in the context of the 6th Asian Youth Day celebrations, the beatification of 124 Korean martyrs, and a Mass of reconciliation.

The spokesman for the Archdiocese of Seoul, South Korea, Fr. Hur Young-yup, told Vatican Radio the level of excitement is rising along with the pace of preparations. “It can be said that Korea is a country that symbolizes the world’s need of peace and reconciliation,” said Fr. Hur. “The Holy Father is coming as a shepherd to meet the people,” he continued, adding, “he is also coming to meet the young people of Asia.”


Fr. Hur went on to say that the Holy Father’s visit will resonate with all people of good will. “The visit of the Holy Father,” he said, “[will] bring an important message of hope and peace.”

The website of the visit is available in English and Korean, and contains information on the events, prayer vigils and liturgical celebrations.

It is available at:

(From archive of Vatican Radio)

Source: (Jul 17, 2014)

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