CEPACS releases its resolutions and recommendations with plans to revamp the Bishops’ organisation

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CEPACS releases its resolutions and recommendations with plans to revamp the Bishops’ organisationAfter its Golden Jubilee celebrations and conference held in Lagos, Nigeria, from the 19 to 20 November 2023, the Pan African Episcopal Committee for Social Communications widely known by its French acronym of CEPACS, over the weekend, released its resolutions and recommendations arising from the gathering.

CEPACS says it will “facilitate the adoption of appropriate digital media use as a platform for evangelising, particularly the younger generation who use online applications most of the time.”

A Church present on digital platforms

The recommendation is in response to a extensive discussion held during the Lagos conference of Africa’s Bishops and communication professionals. At the meeting, it was felt that the Church in Africa could no longer afford to ignore modern digital platforms because this is where many young people were to be found. The Church needs a presence on these platforms, the Bishops said.

In an era of constant connectivity, the Church’s communication apostolate can no longer be confined to the sidelines, content with traditional means of communicating.

In communicating the faith, the Church in Africa, through CEPACS, has thus resolved to enhance both traditional platforms of print and broadcast but also embrace appropriate social and digital media to disseminate the Gospel.

CEPACS: Innovative and clear structures

The golden jubilee held under the theme, “CEPACS at 50: Towards Promoting a Synodal Church in Africa through Social Communications,” also resolved to do more to revamp the structures of CEPCS with the view to make the organisation more visible and relevant on the continent.

The Bishops thus resolved, “To develop and strengthen CEPACS operational structures across the continent to facilitate engagement in a collective communication and synodal journey as well as grow together at the diocesan, national, regional, continental and universal levels,” reads the final communique seen by Vatican News.

CEPACS intends to clarify its relationship with regional and national communication structures.

“To develop a robust CEPACS long-term strategic plan with full operational framework outlining, among others, the structure and an organogram; operations principles, values and Theory of Change; definitive roles and place of the clergy, religious and lay communications experts in the Church; and collaboration and partnerships,” said the Bishops.

Training for a renewed apostolate

Training and capacity building were also considered as crucial for a renewed communications apostolate in Africa.

“Prioritise specialised training for media personnel in the region and local diocese and Churches to enable the Gospel message to get everywhere as well as receive a positive reception,” reads the CEPACS document.

Other areas to be looked into include plans to rekindle the interest and commitment of Bishops of the various conferences in Africa; advance innovative ways of using social communication and media in addressing contemporary challenges that affect the Church; identify and facilitate learning spaces for CEPACS across the globe in areas of social communication.

Paul Samasumo
Source: vaticannews.va/en