Scola and Family 2012: Everyone will be given the opportunity to participate

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"The estimated expenditure for the organization of the VII World Meeting of Families, which was declared a Great Event but with no budget, amounts to around 10,200,000 Euros among remote preparation, arrangement of the events and organizational structure. Milan will host, first in Italy, the first Church event of global significance outside Rome". This is what Daniele Conti said, managing director of the Fondazione Milano Famiglie 2012, at the updating press conference of the VII World Meeting of Families held this morning in the Archbishopric of Milan.

Luigi Campiglio, Professor of Economic Policy at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, has been focusing on the economic impact of the event: "For the arrival of one million pilgrims, including expenses for board, lodging and transportation, we have estimated an induced activity of about 55 million Euros». Professor Campiglio has also stressed that, in addition to economic return, for Milan the gain lies in taking home the culture traits of the Ambrosian culture by foreign participants: «The World Meeting of Families represents for Milan a happy union between the central theme of the meeting and features of the city's culture. Milan, Ambrosian City: Open, Welcoming, Attractive. The pilgrims will spread worldwide the message of Milan as a city open to change, welcoming in terms of solidarity, voluntary work, social entrepreneurship, attractive for its opportunities to those who, Italian or foreign, are willing to work hard to achieve a better future".

The Prefect of Milan, Gian Valerio Lombardi, underlined the great work of organization and mobilization carried on by the local authorities involved, and has assured: «The welcoming has been organized with great professionalism; Milan will respond well to this event, ensuring the safety of the pilgrims and the Holy Father».

Finally, Cardinal Angelo Scola, archbishop of Milan, asked all citizens to participate in the events with the Holy Father: "The meetings with Pope Benedict XVI is an extraordinary opportunity. We asked to register due to organizational and safety reasons, but everyone will be given the opportunity to participate; even those who will show up at the last minute to the Feast of Testimonies and the Holy Mass will be welcomed. The crisis has brought us back to the basics: the Meeting and the extraordinary presence of the Holy Father will show that we can come out the tunnel, looking at the living places already existing in our day life".

Scola and Family 2012: Everyone will be given the opportunity to participate

Archbishop of Milan, asked all citizens to participate in the events with the Holy Father

Monsignor Erminio De Scalzi, president of the Fondazione Milano Famiglie 2012, urged the parishes to welcome the Pope: «Since his arrival, Benedict XVI will be welcomed with the warmth and hospitality of the city of Milan. It would be nice if the Holy Father could immediately feel the joy and Faith of the Milanese people».

Don Luca Violoni, General Secretary of the Fondazione Milano Famiglie 2012, concluded by introducing the Young Persons: "While the Congress of the parents is on, there is theYoung Persons' Congress. The kids enrolled, more than 900, are considered as being part of the family and it is vital that they can meet and engage on the same issues their parents are facing".


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