Holy See and Israel make "significant progress"

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The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israelmet today 12 June 2012 at the Plenary level, in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican, to carry on negotiations pursuant to the Fundamental Agreement Art. 10 paragraph 2.

The meeting was headed by Mgr Ettore BALESTRERO, Under-Secretary for Relations with States, and by Mr Danny AYALON, M.K., Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.The negotiations took place in a thoughtful and constructive atmosphere. The Commission took notice that significant progress was made towards the conclusion of the Agreement.

The Commission further acknowledged the exemplary service of Their Excellencies Abp Antonio FRANCO and Ambassador Mordechay LEWY on the occasion of their retirement.The Parties have agreed on future steps and to hold the next Plenary meeting on 6th December 2012 at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Delegation of the Holy See

Mgr Ettore BALESTRERO, Under-Secretary for Relations with States,

Chairman H.E. Mgr Antonio FRANCO, Apostolic Nuncio in IsraelH.E.

Mgr Giacinto-Boulos MARCUZZO, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Israel
Mgr Maurizio MALVESTITI, Under-Secretary, Congregation for Oriental Churches

Mgr Alberto ORTEGA MARTIN, Official at the Secretariat of State
Mr Henry AMOROSO, Legal AdviserFr Ibrahim FALTAS, General Administrator, Custody of the Holy Land
Fr Elias DAW, President of the Tribunal Greek-Melkite Church in IsraelFr Pietro FELET, SCJ, Secretary AOCTS
Mr Samir ABUNASSAR, ConsultantFr Giovanni CAPUTA, SDB, Secretary

Delegation of the State of Israel
Mr Danny AYALON, M.K., Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, ChairmanMr Mordechay LEWY, Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See
Mr Ehud KEINAN, Legal Adviser, MFAMr Shmuel BEN-SHMUEL, Head of World Jewish and Inter-religious Affairs Bureau, MFA
Mr Oded BROOK, Head International Affairs Division, Ministry of FinanceMr Bahij MANSOUR, Director, Department of Religious Affairs, MFA
Mr Moshe GOLAN, State Attorney's Office, Ministry of JusticeMr Itai APTER, Advisor Ministry of Justice
Mr Chen Ivri APTER, Special Advisor Deputy Foreign Minister’s BureauMr Gershon KEDAR, Policy Adviser Deputy Foreign Minister's Bureau
Ms Klarina SHPITZ, Chief of Staff, Deputy Foreign Minister's BureauMs Karin DOSORETZ, Legal Division, MFA

 Vatican Radio (12 Juin 2012)

Source: www.news.va

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