Entering pre-seminary formation for priestly candidacy

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The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Auxiliary Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Kham at Cardinal John Baptist Pham Minh Man Hall on September 14, 2013 in the morning.


It has been concelebrated by fifty (50) priests of Saigon Diocese, particularly coming from the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, St. Joseph Seminary and other parishes.


The Eucharist signaled the acceptance of forty three (43) candidates to their initial stage of formation for priesthood (pre-seminarian formation). Such joyful and memorable occasion coincided with the Catholic Church’s commemoration of the Exaltation of the Cross.

Khai giảng lớp chủng sinh dự bị khoá 8 và khoá 9



These young men will be entering in the seminary in the year 2014 to pursue God’s call.  In their response to God’s call for priesthood, the candidates have to go through a process of acceptance.


Khai giảng lớp chủng sinh dự bị khoá 8 và khoá 9



A candidate has to finish a university degree and in the meantime he needs to participate in a four (4) year candidacy training on general knowledge, psychology, spirituality and humanities.

Khai giảng lớp chủng sinh dự bị khoá 8 và khoá 9



Then after a year of pre-seminary at the Pastoral centre and being prepared to seminary and community life, the candidate needs to take up philosophical studies prior to his theology studies in priestly formation.


Sr. Fenecia

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