The appeal of Cardinal of Saigon for Peace

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Đã xem: 2010 | Cật nhập lần cuối: 2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM | RSS

To all members of the Archdiocesan Family of Saigon:

                Clergy, Monks, Religious and Laity


My dear Brothers and Sisters,

On September 1, 2013, during his Angelus, our beloved Pope Francis appealed to all people, particularly to our Catholic faithful, to pray for World Peace.  He encouraged us to join the world-wide Day of Prayer for Peace on September 7, 2013, praying for the countries that are ravaged by crisis, violence, killings, war and conflicts, especially in Syria.

Pope Francis I asked that a prayer vigil would commence at 7 p.m. until midnight for this intention at St. Peter’s Square. His Holiness entreated us to gather and to pray in the spirit of contrition and repentance.

May God bless us with His mercy and grant us the greatest gift of Peace for Syria and to all places in the world where violence, hatred and conflicts exist.


Meanwhile, a resident of ecumenical community welcomed 20 men and women religious of 8 nationalities and of different Christian denominations to dedicate their days of ceaseless prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at the Monastery of St.James in Qarah, a city between Damascus and Homs.  They earnestly believe in the power of prayer and in God’s merciful love.  God’s love and mercy can resist the evils of war and terrorism.

Many people of different faiths from different places in the world organize prayerful gatherings and vigils for world peace like ecumenical prayer services and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.


It is in this spirit that I implore every parish, religious communities and all the faithful in our diocese to organize and spend time in prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for World Peace on Saturday, September 7, 2013 from 7pm to 8pm.  Should there be any conflicts of schedule due to certain reasons, please encourage the faithful to join other parishes and communities for this prayerful gathering.



HoChiMinh City, September 4, 2013

Card. John Baptist Pham Minh Man

Archbishop of Archdiocese HoChiMinh City


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