Poems for fathers

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Awesome Dad

by Jill Lemming

When I think about my father,
and the years we've had to share
I'm thankful just to know
that his love is always there.

Through the crazy days of youth
and now that I'm "mature"
the special bond between us
is still strong and will endure.

And though he's growing older
he grows sweeter with each year
my "knight in shining armor,"
I'm so glad to have you here!



by Ron Tranmer

I’ve been told that I am thoughtful,
that my feet are on the ground.
Some say that I am likeable
and fun to be around.

It’s been said that to my principals
I stand firm and true.
That I’m dependable and honest
in the things I say and do.

But the single greatest compliment
that I have ever had,
Is when somebody told me,
“You remind me of your dad.”


Source: ellenbailey.com

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