Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

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The great sign the Gospel gives us today is that Jesus' tomb is empty. We have to look no more among the dead for He who is alive has risen. And his disciples, that later on will see him risen, that is, will experience him alive in a wonderful meeting in faith, also realize his tomb is empty. An empty tomb and apparitions will be the great signs for the believer's faith... Let us be guided by love and announce to all our happiness to believe in Christ. Let us be hopeful witnesses of his Resurrection.

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Gospel in pictures: Easter Sunday (Mass during the Day) (C)

Pictures: Jothanh

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