A family, a story

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Maria and Andrzej Mazanowie: “The joy of the vocation of our children has generated new families where the new lives are welcomed”


We’ve been married for 35 years, we live in Lomianki, near Warsaw and we’ve got eight children ranging from 15 to 34 called Teresa, Adam, Natalia, Kazik, Marysia, Janek, Dominik and Zosia. We welcomed each child as a gift of our Lord. They are our real joy and our celebration. Our Polish traditions formed through Christianity so the purpose of our families is to give our children a religious education that gives them a Catholic Christian identity. We live all the festivals and celebrations of the Holy Sacraments that our children have received together with great intensity in our home. We do everything to spend religious holidays with family, relatives and friends. We welcome and live all joyous and, at times, also difficult, family events in the spirit of the faith.

A family, a story

Modern times have many dangers that make the will and mind wicked. We have ensured that our children take part in the Christian community with their peers, where their religious attitudes are strengthened and they have authentic teachers of truth and love and are involved in many activities, help and testimony of the Christian faith, to keep these dangers away. Now, as adults, our children are fulfilling their vocations. Adam, Kazik and Marysia have formed their families. Teresa, the eldest, is consecrated as a lay person. Natalia is currently preparing for the sacrament of marriage. As a result of the decisions of our married children, their spouses have arrived in our family, new people of great value - Agata, Aniela and Ignacy. The family thus extended by many generations is enriched with new traditions in the joy of celebrations, new ways of living in prayer and reciprocal care and help. The young couples have good experiences from their families of origin. Children - the most precious of assets and gifts - are now coming into their lives. New life which they respect, defend and contemplate is coming.

Maria and Andrzej Mazanowie

Source: www.family2012.com

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