Cardinal Tong: formation, witness and mutual support to rekindle the faith in the family of the Church

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Hong Kong – Formation and the testimony of faith, mutual support to rekindle the faith in the family of the Church, in the footsteps of the first Christian communities: is the encouragement of Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop of Hong Kong, to the 800 newly baptized in the diocese during the Welcome Meeting to the newbies held recently.

According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (the diocesan bulletin in Chinese), this year there were 3,400 baptized during Easter. Cardinal Tong pointed out that "in view of the Year of Faith, of the 50 years of II Vatican Council and 20 years of the publication of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, we are offered the opportunity to revisit the teaching of the Council and the Catechism for a greater commitment to evangelization. "Moreover, the Cardinal pointed out that "the active participation in community life, and membership to the Catholic Association are the best way to live faith." During the meeting, two newly baptized representatives brought gifts to the catechists who followed them along the journey of faith that brought them to baptism as a sign of gratitude as well as a commitment to give continuity to this journey.

Cardinal Tong: formation, witness and mutual support to rekindle the faith in the family of the Church

Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop of Hong Kong - Photo:

NZ - Agenzia Fides (15 May 2012)


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