Conference of Major Seminaries in Vietnam gathered at Đà Lạt

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CBCV (14.08.2013) – 42 representatives of all major seminaries in Vietnam gathered at Đà Lạt, Vietnam from 5th to 10th of August for a conference. The conference gave the formators opportunities to review the Ratio Institutionis Sacerdotalis, which waspublished in Vietnamese language last year. In light of the Ratio Institutionis Sacerdotalis, the conferees shared their experience and examined the formation in these four perspectives: personal vocation, formation of humanity, spirituality, and pastoral.

The conference also honored 3 distinguished guests representing the Catholic Church in Seoul, Suwon and Daegu Seminaries. They presented the priestly vocation development in the Archdiocese of Seoul, formation for seminarians, and continuing formation for new formators in the seminaries.

The conference concluded with two lists of affirmation and suggestion.

Conference of Major Seminaries in Vietnam gathered at Đà Lạt

The formators of the seminaries in Vietnam affirm:

(1) The Holy Spirit is the only One who inspires seminarians in their formation and sanctifies them to become Jesus who is both the Master and Pastor of the Church;

(2) Although the Church delegates the priestly formation to the fomators, the formation of priesthood can only bear much fruit in collaboration with others in the Church, especially with the local pastors and seminarians’ parents;

(3) The individual seminarians need to make use all efforts and take proactive steps in self-formation in order to “following, remaining, and becoming Jesus” who loved, chose, and always accompanies them on their vocational journey;

(4) The formators and men in formation are invited to sanctify themselves in fulfilling their responsibilities.

 Conference of Major Seminaries in Vietnam gathered at Đà Lạt

The conferees also suggest:

(1) The seminaries should collaborate with the pastors, sponsor-priests, and the parents of the pre-seminarians to help their vocational discernment and development;

(2) The formators in the seminaries should pay more attention to the spiritual perspective, which is the soul of formation, in order to help the seminarians in their relationship with Jesus and discernment; and the key role of spiritual directors;

(3) Cooperating with Diocesan Vocation Promotion Committee to organize Vocation Day at the seminaries to promote vocation;

(4) Due to the importance of the experiment year (the pastoral year at the parishes for every seminarian upon accomplishment of philosophical studies and prior to theological studies), all formators in the seminaries will try to make this year a fruitful opportunity for the seminarians;

(5) Piloting the formation for new formators who are newly assigned to the seminaries.


All conferees gave thanks to God who had guided them during this conference with openness, newness and gratitude, thanks to Bishop Anthony Vũ Huy Chương who hosted this conference at his bishopric in Đà Lạt. Everyone looks forward to the upcoming seminar in 2014, which potentially to be focused on the theme of “secularism and formation of priesthood”.


Secretary Board of the Conference

Translated into English by Dao Vu


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