Pacem in Terris 1963 - 2012

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Pacem in Terris 1963 - 2012 Pope John XXXII's encylical 'Pacem in Terris ' was published on April 11th 1963.

Fifty years on from April 27th to May 1st , the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences has chosen this encyclical as focus for its Plenary Assembly .The exact title being : "The Global Quest of Tranquillitas Ordinis, Pacem in Terris , Fifty years on ".

Among the speakers was Professor Russel Hittinger of the Department of Philosophy and Religion of the University of Tulsa in the United States.

We asked him whether during these days of intense discussions a new scenario regarding this encyclical had emerged .

Professor Hittinger began by pointing to Pope John XXIII's specific request regarding the drafting of 'Pacem in Terris' so that it be in line with Saint Augustine's 'tranquilllitas ordinis' or tranquillity of order, explaining by this the title of the conference. "
Among the areas of the world discussed in a special way during the Plenary Assembly was Europe because of the long term history of the nations of this continent attempting to find some kind of adequate order.

But also the emerging nations in South East Asia, considered as developing nations fifty years ago whereas they are perhaps the chief economic players in our world today.

Another aspect which was the focus of discussions was the emergence of global communications which Professor Hittinger described as appearing to : " changing almost every kind of order we're familiar with .. It's changing the order of scientific resaerch , communications between people in different countries, it's intimitaley bound up with political revolution. This is new so we're having to try to understand it ..."...

Professor Hittinger also mentions how quite a bit of time was spent discussing education ouside the context of national boundaries because with the breaking down of these boundaries thanks to the role of internet: ".. nobody is quite sure what this means and where the opportuniities are..."
Also up for discussion during the Assembly in a special way our Professor says, was the role of religion in our world today as an agent of peace and tranquillity in an attempt to find out what religions can do to foster:" ... this complex kind of multi- layered peace that people seem to want..."


Vatican Radio (30 April 2012)


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