Two Episcopal Ordinations

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Indeed, Vietnam Church has many reasons to be joyful and grateful! She has been blessed with the Episcopal Ordination of her two beloved servants of God.


Reverend Father Peter Nguyen Van Vien was installed as New Auxiliary Bishop of Vinh Diocese on September 4, 2013 at the square of  the bishop’s residence.  Bishop Paul Nguyen Thai Hop has presided the Holy Eucharist and was concelebrated by Australian Bishop Michael McKenna of  Bathurst Diocese of Australia and Bishop Joseph Nguyen Nang of Phat Diem Diocese.

Two Episcopal Ordinations

Episcopal Ordination in Vinh Diocese


“I give you my peace” is Bishop Peter’s life’s mission statement. “Thầy ban cho anh em sự bình an của Thầy”  He wants to live a life of simplicity, humility, unity, harmony and having a preferential option for the poor.


Reverend Father Alphonsus Nguyen Huu Long was ordained as a new Bishop for Hung Hoa Diocese on September 6, 2013 at San Loc Cathedral in Son Tay, Hanoi.  The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Bishop Jean Marie Vu Tat and was concelebrated by Bishop Peter Nguyen Khan, Auxiliary Bishop of Saigon and Bishop Joseph Chau Ngoc Tri of Danang Diocese.


He quoted Pope’s Francis’ statement as “he wants shepherds living with the smell of  sheeps” as his  personal mission slogan, “Mang vào mình mùi chiên”.

Two Episcopal Ordinations

Bishop Alphonsus Nguyen Huu Long 


Their elevation to the Episcopate was signed by Pope Francis on June 15, 2013. And both  historic joyful celebrations were witnessed by Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, the Vatican representative.


Sr Fenecia



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