Great Women of the Bible

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Great Women of the Bible

Join me as we study several Great Women of the Bible and learn how God used them and still uses us to advance His kingdom on earth. We will study the role of women in the Bible, virtuous women in the Bible, strong women in the Bible, women leaders, and significant Women in the Bible in these devotions for ladies. These Bible studies for women are written by a woman, for women, and about Women of the Bible.

And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside,  where prayer was customarily made;
and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there (
Acts 16:13).

Abigail from the Bible Abigail’s husband, Nabal, was a very wicked man, who thought only of himself. By Abigail’s quick wisdom and generosity she not only saved her entire family from death, but was miraculously delivered from an evil husband, and given a godly husband in his place. Abigail was one of the truly virtuous women in the Bible.

Anna in the Bible When Jesus was eight days old, Mary and Joseph took Him to the Temple in Jerusalem to be circumcised. Not only was this the time when Jesus was named, in obedience to the Angel who came to Mary, but two other important people were there as well: Simeon, who had received a vision that he would see the Lord's Christ before he died, and Anna in the Bible, who served God day and night.

Deborah in the Bible Times were tough in Israel. The Israelites went through great periods of rejecting God, being recovered by godly judges, and then rejecting God again. Among the many judges who ruled over the Israelites at that time, we learn about the judge, Deborah, who with the help of Jael, both strong women in the Bible who were able to bring a great victory for God’s people.

Dorcas in the Bible She was a Christian; not because she did good works and charitable deeds, but rather, she did good works and charitable deeds because she was a Christian.

Esther Bible Study How could you only write one devotion about Esther? Join me on my Esther Bible Study page as I go through the entire book of Esther!

Eve, the Mother of All Living Through Adam and Eve sin entered into the world, but also through Adam and Eve came the birth of God's church, a people set apart for Himself.

Hagar - The Discarded Wife God had long promised to Abraham that He would bless him with seed as the stars in heaven and the sand upon the seashore. As he and Sarah grew older, it became obvious that this seed was not going to come through Sarah. At least, that was Sarah's assessment of the situation. After thinking through the dilema, she developed an alternate solution.

Hannah if the Bible She was truly a virtuous woman in the Bible. In this devotion for ladies, we see she is a woman of powerful prayer and faithfulness in keeping her promises to God. She teaches us the proper way to approach and view our troubles and our adversaries.

Lot's Wife She made a fatal mistake and it cost her her life! Caught between a struggle with the world and the Lord, she succumbed to the world. Are we like Lot's Wife?

Lydia from the Bible There are only a few verses in the Bible regarding Lydia, but what insight they give us! Even just these few verses give us insight as to why Lydia was one of the great women of the Bible.

Mary and Martha The Bible Story of Mary and Martha is perhaps one of the most familiar for women. It’s easy to identify with Martha, and much harder to keep close to the Lord Jesus like Mary. To work for the Lord is good or nothing would be accomplished, but not at the sacrifice of a deep love for God.

Ruth and Naomi In this series of Bible devotions for women we look at the story of Ruth and Naomi. Being a grandmother is a very special privilege and an awesome responsibility. Read about the story of Ruth and Naomi, and how God blessed both of them.

Sarah of the Bible Sarah of the Bible, as a woman of great faith, was truly one of the Great Women of the Bible. Like many of us God grew her weak faith into maturity and trust in God.

What is a Virtuous Woman? Study the characteristics of a virtuous woman in this Bible devotion for women from Proverbs 31: What is a virtuous woman?

Widow Woman of Great Faith The role of women in the Bible is shown by this widow who was a single mother and had great faith in God during a time of great famine. At the risk of her son and her starving to death, she obeyed God and first made food for Elijah.

Women of the Bible Stories Three Women of the Bible Stories about a baby: The mother of Moses, Shiphrah and Puah the Midwives, and the daughter of Pharoah from Exodus 2.



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