Archbishop Peter Soon-taick Chung of Seoul prayed that the festive season helps emulate the compassion of the Buddha
As Christians prepare for Easter, some families in a village celebrated their respective celebrations together for the first time. The charity’s interfaith dialogue programme began four years ago and aims to empower communities to manage peaceful relations on their own.
Over 100 Catholics met with Cardinal William Goh at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd annexe on Feb 29 to talk about the relevance, diversity, and inclusivity of the Church in a cosy and light-hearted setting.
The Final Declaration of the Third Christian-Taoist Colloquium held these days in Hong Kong promoted together with all six religious communities present in the metropolis.
The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, in cooperation with the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and the Taoist Association of Hong Kong, has organized the Third Christian-Taoist Dialogue which will be held from 11-13 March 2024 at the Yuen Yuen Institute, Lo Wai, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong.
As a conference on Christianity and Taoism gets underway in Hong Kong, Cardinal Stephen Chow and Msgr. Indunil Kodithuwakku discuss the importance of dialogue between these two ancient religious traditions.
A desire to be in communion with the local congregation and receive Christ pushed Ma Wai to the Church
A seminar sponsored in Taiwan by the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue with Fu Jen Catholic University in a move to formulate some guidelines on a confrontation that the focus on the Chinese world makes increasingly necessary. Also starting tomorrow in Hong Kong is the third Christian-Taoist Dialogue.
The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue announces the Third Christian-Taoist Dialogue to be held in Hong Kong on 11-13 March.
As scholars gather in New Taipei City to discuss Catholic-Confucian dialogue, Fr. Paulin Batairwa Kubuya, Under-Secretary of the Vatican Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, shares his hopes for the conference, and discusses the relationship between these ancient traditions.
A Theravada Buddhist monk is studying interfaith dialogue and exchange with people from other religious traditions at the John Paul II Center.
A showcase for the local culture, world-famous fair in Ajmer District (Rajasthan) opened until 8 November. Activities include a march by representatives of different faiths. For Fr Cosmos Shakhawat, it is an important “symbol of communal harmony”.
When Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948, he was already a legend. He was born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1869 in Gujarat/India.
Leaders of various faiths in Myanmar are appealing to the leaders of the nation and faith communities to listen to one another with respect, end the internal conflicts, and work for the good of all.
The sixth Buddhist-Christian colloquium in Taiwan, held on November 13, 2017, in the Ling Jou Monastery of Taipei
The April 26-27 event brought together some 200 Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu leaders, political parties, diplomats and local civil society groups. Religious leaders wanted to seize the momentum as Myanmar transitions to becoming a full democracy after more than 50 years of military rule.
Ce train de la Pakistan’s Railways dont les wagons seront ornés de messages de paix et d’harmonie
Christians, Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs made up the 10,000 people in the eight-mile walk through the city
The story of Phramaha Thongrattana Thavorn’s encounter with Chiara Lubich and who, at her funeral, in 2008 had said: Chiara is also one of us.