Muslim leaders to attend Kuala Lumpur consecration

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Some 10,000 people, including Muslim religious leaders and civil officials, are expected to attend the Episcopal ordination of Kuala Lumpur's new Archbishop Julian Leow, organizers said.

Muslim leaders to attend Kuala Lumpur consecrationThe October 6 function in the Holy Family church in Kuala Lumpur will be held in the presence of ten Malaysian Bishops, organising committee officials said.

Archbishop-elect Leow has emphasised that he wanted to live a ministry characterized by "witnessing Christ, proclaiming the Good News to everyone”. 

His focus is that everyone in Malaysia can live in “harmony and peace", and hope that "ethnic, religious and cultural diversity remains the cornerstone of our unity".

He had recently voiced his agreement with the "Christian Federation of Malaysia", which brings together all the different Christian denominations of the nation.

The archbishop said that "if we want to survive as a united nation, if we want to keep alive a common hope for the future, we all have to resist and oppose" the destructive forces religious extremism. 

The key word is "hope", which means "promote authentic dialogue, in humility and mutual respect," he said.

The statement, on behalf of Christian Federation, called on “all Malaysians to commit to save Malaysia from the forces of fanaticism and racial bias and to build a tolerant and attentive society, where everyone can fully enjoy life and freedom, the protection of rights and the protection of fundamental freedoms."

Source: (Sept. 25, 2014)

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