A delegation from Rabbinical Seminary of Latin America received by Pope Francis

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A delegation from Rabbinical Seminary of Latin America received by Pope FrancisOn Friday 2 December 2, Pope Francis received in audience a delegation from the Rabbinical Seminary of Latin America.

In his greeting [ES] to the group, the Holy Father referred to the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine and called for a “culture of meekness, of the just man”, asking “Who is the just man?” The prophet Jeremiah, he recalled, expresses it very well. The just man is “against a culture of cruelty, of man as a wolf to man. Let us work from our faith, with the sacred texts that we have in common, and by offering an example of fraternity”.

During its visit to Rome, the group was accompanied by the Reverend Andrzej Choromanski, official of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.
