American Muslim, Jewish & Christian Leaders to Confer at Health Privacy Summit
The Second International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy, scheduled for 6-7 June 2012 at the Georgetown University Law Center (pictured) in Washington, D.C., will feature representatives from three major religions: Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism. These speakers, representing almost half the world's population and the majority of the population of the United States, will address how their particular faith traditions insist on the autonomy of the human person.
In the panel, "Cultural Perspectives on Religion and Privacy," they will explore how the importance of personhood in the monotheistic religions implies that individuals have a natural right to control information pertaining to their own bodies.
Moderating the panel will be Steven W. Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute. Panelists include Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas); Jennifer Kimball, Executive Director of the Culture of Life Foundation, Najah Bazzy, RN, CEO of Diversity Specialists and Transcultural Health Care Solutions; and Rabbi Noah Fabricant, assistant rabbi at Washington Hebrew Congregation in Washington, DC.
Panel members will argue for the robust protection of patient health records using attribute-based access control (ABAC) technology so that the individual, not some distant government bureaucracy, maintains absolute control over the release of confidential health information to third parties.
The panel will be held at the closing luncheon of the Summit on Thursday, June 7, from 12:30-1:40 pm. The location for the luncheon is the Washington Court Hotel, located at 525 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20001.
Among the Summit's broader activities, over 40 leading health-privacy experts from around the globe will discuss the urgent privacy issues raised by emerging health technologies. Experts from the U.S. government, the private sector and academia will explore the new laws and regulations, data exchanges,secondary uses of health data and social media platforms that threaten the privacy of patients here and abroad.
The summit also will examine new policies including the Consumer Bill of Privacy Rights and the EU Draft Regulation on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data.
"Representatives Of World Religions Demand Patient Privacy" Healthcare Global June 5, 2012
"Is There an American Health Privacy Crisis?" Health Privacy June 4, 2012