Inter-religious Convention 2023, Faith change-makers: Affirming human dignity, justice, and freedom for all

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Inter-religious Convention 2023, Faith change-makers: Affirming human dignity, justice, and freedom for allThe Inter-religious Convention 2023, Faith change-makers: Affirming human dignity, justice, and freedom for all, brings together members of different faiths and faith organizations, in collaboration with civil society, intergovernmental organizations, academia and knowledge institutions to strengthen the inherent dignity of all people. In demonstrating interfaith action on

advancing women’s rights and gender justice faith partnering for justice and peace, and co-creating freedom of belief and inclusive communities

the Convention showcases contributions of the international interfaith community and their allies to achieving

  • SDG 3: Good health and well-being
  • SDG 5: Gender equality
  • SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals

The Convention, further, contributes to the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), strengthening participants’ transformational skills for sustainable development. Given the persistence of hatred, conflict and suffering, there’s urgency to uncover and amplify life-giving texts, traditions and practices that uphold human dignity and that speak in support of peace, justice and healing, and a world in which every human being is of equal value. Our sacred texts and practices underscore the importance of working together for the common good beyond our own religious community. We need to strengthen processes of translating life-giving theologies and practice into practical actions that improve human dignity. We need to equip ourselves with knowledge and skills to speak out against hatred, injustice, violence and abuse of power. Shared learning and know-how will emerge directly from examples of lived experiences and practice.
