Islam Ahmadiyyat – Progress Report for the year 2013-2014
Islam Ahmadiyyat – Progress Report for the year 2013-14 (as noted/received)
- 206 countries with Ahmadi Muslims (New countries Belize and Uruguay)
- 730 new jamaats
- 204 new mosques
- 382 already buit mosques included in after accepting Ahmadiyyat
- Mission houses 2808 total in the world
- 77 countries performed 40000 waqar amal
- 72 languages Quran translated so far, Alhamdulillah.
- 28 countries print 143 newspapers and periodicals regularly under Jamaat Ahmadiyya
- 43 countries sent 352561 new books
- 2235 exhibitions done
- 8000000 people reached
* * *
- 3826 ARTICLES printed in 1500 newspapers with readers around 3 crore approx
- 3442 new Waqf-e-Nau this year
- 54135 total Waqf-e-Nau, 33000 boys and 21000 girls approx
- 18 e-books added 2 new applications launched (Al fazal one of these)
- 348 people working in MTA international
- Ahmadiyyah radio stations: 11 in Mali, Burkina Faso 4, Total in Africa 16 stations
- 1356 TV programmes,
- 200000000 (20 crore) people reached through these programmes
- 681 schools in different countries
- 1200 hand pumps for clean water in Africa
- Humanity first registered in 43 countries
- 1632 eye operations done free of cost
- Charity: 968000 us dollars raised
Last year total of 555235 people accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat Al’hamdoLillah and Masha Allah
Mali, Nigeria on top for new joinees into Jama’at – Ba’iat
Mubarik ho sabko Jamaat Ahmadiyyah ki kamiyaabi
Source: (Aug. 31, 2014)
Annual Report of Progress of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at Jalsa Salana UK 2014