Radical London Imam Anjem Choudary Admits Islam is not a Religion of Peace, ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF SUBMISSION
Love him or hate him, at least London Imam Anjem Choudary speaks the truth. Last Wednesday during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Hannity and Choudary discussed Islam and its views toward the world, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, woman, gays and other social issues. However, the money line of the contentious interview was when London Imam Anjem Choudary stated that Islam is not a Religion of Peace … “Islam does not mean peace, Sean, it means submission, submission to the commands of God.”
“You’re saying you do not believe in freedom of speech, you don’t believe in freedom of expression, you believe in Islamic fascism, that people must abide by your laws,” Hannity said.
“Actually, as a Muslim, we believe that sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God and therefore we believe in submitting to the commands of God,” Choudary said.
Hannity asked him, “So you’re saying anything offensive about the prophet Muhammad should be illegal and it should be worldwide?”
Choudary told Hannity that in Islam, that carries capital punishment.
HANNITY: So what you’re basically saying is freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the prophets of Allah, whatever your views on what happened in Paris. So you’re saying you do not believe in freedom of speech. You don’t believe in freedom of religion. You don’tbelieve in freedom of expression. You believe in Islamic fascism, that people must abide by your laws!
ANJEM CHOUDARY, LONDON IMAM: Actually, as a Muslim, we believe sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God. And therefore, we believe insubmitting to the commands of God–
HANNITY: Well, you’re demanding–
HANNITY: But you’re not– no, you’re demanding everybody else submit to what you believe–
CHOUDARY: No. No, what we say–
HANNITY: –and it should be–
HANNITY: Well, that’s what you said. You said freedom of expression–
CHOUDARY: What we say is that–
HANNITY: Go ahead.
CHOUDARY: Well, what we say is that freedom of expression has a responsibility by those people who espouse it in the West, in particular non-Muslims. But as you know, it is, you know, changed. It is curtailed for things like incitement of hatred. And as you know, you have laws which allow, you know, the curtailment of freedom of expression for your own national security.
HANNITY: So you’re saying that–
HANNITY: I get what you’re saying. You’re saying anything offensive about the Prophet Mohammed should be illegal, and you believe that should be worldwide. Every country should adopt that law.
CHOUDARY: Well, you know, you need to understand that in Islam, this carries capital punishment. We saw before with Theo Van Gogh–
CHOUDARY: –and Salman Rushdie–
HANNITY: But you’re not answering. You’re saying that every country–
CHOUDARY: –people should be aware about this already.
HANNITY: But every country should adopt that, and it’s convert or die. It’s either you agree with us or we will go into your newspaper–
HANNITY: –and we will slaughter you. We will put a fatwa out on you.
CHOUDARY: No. What we’re saying– what we’re saying is that, you know, a quarter of the world’s population revere the messenger Mohammed (INAUDIBLE) and you know, for them, they’ll prefer to die themselves than to allow anyone to insult the prophet.
Now, people in the West should understand that. We live in a very unstable and insecure world today, which you can see very well now in Paris–
CHOUDARY: –what the consequences of insulting the prophet are –
HANNITY: Let me ask you a question–
CHOUDARY: And all we’re saying is that the sensibilities and the emotions of Muslims must be taken into consideration in the context in which we live today.
HANNITY: I’m running out of time. You’re saying this is true Islam, and you’re also– on the other hand, you say this is a peaceful religion. How is it peaceful if you believe–
HANNITY: –all these people that you disagree with?
CHOUDARY: No, Islam does not mean peace, Sean, it means submission, submission to the commands of God.
Source: scaredmonkeys.com (Jan.12, 2015)