Young British Muslims Mobilize Online Campaign against ISIS

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A London-based action group have launched a YouTube and Twitter campaign #NotInMyName to condemn ISIS (IS) terrorism. 

After the murder of David Haines and kidnapping of Alan Hemming, the East London-based group Active Change Foundation decided to voice their anger. 

They set up the #notinmyname campaign to spread the word that British Muslims reject IS, its ideology and actions and to show that IS do not represent the Islamic faith or the Muslim community. 

The campaign includes a YouTube video featuring a number of British Muslims condemning the actions of IS because "it does not represent Islam”. 

Young British Muslims Mobilize Online Campaign against ISIS
One woman says: “We must unite together to stop this group from damaging Islam and damaging Muslims" while another adds: "what you're doing is inhumane". 

The short clip also urges other British Muslims to join the movement by tweeting why IS does not represent them with the hashtag #NotInMyName. 

Hanif Qadir, founder of Active Change Foundation, said: "Young British Muslims are sick and tired of the hate-filled propaganda the terrorists Isis and their supporters churn out on social media. They are angry the criminals are using the platforms to radicalise young people and spread their poisonous words of violence in the name of Islam." 

Qadir added: "The murder of an innocent man has no justification in any religion or walk of life." 

"These terrorists ISIS are not true Muslims, they do not practice the true teachings of Islam; peace, mercy and compassion and they are the enemy of all mankind.” 

Another member of the organization said: "We utterly reject ISIS because we do not recognise the Islam they claim to be fighting for. Islam teaches us respect, mercy, peace and kindness, a faith we strongly believe in, and one we want to protect from radicals and fanatics whose very existence threatens our religion. 

"Social media belongs to young people and we must use it to stand together and speak as one. It is our responsibility as Britons and as Muslims to reject Isis and do all we can to drown out their voices of hate and violence and, most importantly, their degradation of Islam." 

Source: (Sept. 18, 2014)

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