
  • Pakistan quake kills more than 200 people; island appears

    Pakistan quake kills more than 200 people; island appears

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    An earthquake in Pakistan, powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, has killed more than 200 people, Pakistani officials said. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck in a remote area of southwestern Pakistan on...

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  • Pune bishop: Christian massacre in Peshawar, a failure of the Pakistani government

    Pune bishop: Christian massacre in Peshawar, a failure of the Pakistani government

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Mgr Thomas Dabre has decided that all the parishes in his diocese will devote next Sunday Mass to the victims of the attack in Pakistan. "The integrity and moral authority of a nation," he said, "depend on its firm commitment to ensuring the rule of law and ...

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  • A lost generation

    A lost generation

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Half of the two million people, so far, forced to flee Syria are children. A fact that, more than any other, captures the extent of the humanitarian tragedy that is ensuing in the Middle Eastern country. “There is the risk that an entire generation of children...

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  • China thanks Pope for his appeal for peace in Syria

    China thanks Pope for his appeal for peace in Syria

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Two senior Chinese government officials speak to AsiaNews about the figure of the new pope: "He appears to be a great pastor, just like a ‘good father’ . And we hope that soon we can see some progress in relations between Beijing and the Vatican”. China "needs the Catholic Church...

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  • Lahore: Christian widow threatened by husband’s Muslim family, Islam or death

    Lahore: Christian widow threatened by husband’s Muslim family, Islam or death

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Her husband, a Muslim, has always fought for religious freedom and said: "My wife and my children should feel free to profess their faith." After his death, the relatives put pressure on the woman and her daughters, married with young Christians. Pro human rights groups rush to defense of the family.

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  • Church loses latest court battle over `Allah` ban

    Church loses latest court battle over 'Allah' ban

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    A Catholic weekly newspaper in Malaysia this week lost its latest legal battle over the right to use the word 'Allah' for God in its local language edition. In a case that has sparked nationwide debate over which religion has exclusive rights to the word Allah...

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  • Korea, Catholics against euthanasia: A horrible way to cut medical costs

    Korea, Catholics against euthanasia: A horrible way to cut medical costs

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The National Commission of Bioethics sends a "recommendation” to Parliament for the legalization of ending treatment for patients in a vegetative state and terminal phase. The Director of the Catholic Institute of Bioethics tells AsiaNews: "The risks of abuse of a patient’s will are very high....

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  • Cardinal Turkson marks Hiroshima anniversary

    Cardinal Turkson marks Hiroshima anniversary

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Cardinal Peter Turkson, is in Japan for the “Ten Days for Peace” inititative, which is marked in every diocese of the country to mark the 10th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which took

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  • Relics on display in Riverside

    Relics on display in Riverside

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Eight relics from the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, also known as Gautama Siddartha, were donated by the Dalai Lama, he said. There also are relics from 44 masters, who are people who have realized all the teachings of Buddhism

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  • For Indian Contemplative, Mary is a refuge for thousands of poor people of every caste and creed

    For Indian Contemplative, Mary is a refuge for thousands of poor people of every caste and creed

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    With her visit to Elizabeth, Mary brought to the world the love of Jesus, exemplified nowadays by charity and love of neighbour. This Sunday's Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration with Pope Francis provides an opportunity to bring Christ's face and love to the world through Mary.

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  • The Thai monarchy celebrates rice, engine of the national economy

    The Thai monarchy celebrates rice, engine of the national economy

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Ploughing Ceremony Day was held yesterday in the Royal Palace, a festival of hope for a plentiful harvest. The cereal is one of the most important national products and is one of the symbols of tradition. Buddhist religious: "It is a national glory". Environmentalist warns: safeguard nature to preserve crops.

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  • Myanmar: Yangon archbishop calls for ``peace and love``

    Myanmar: Yangon archbishop calls for "peace and love"

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Burmese authorities arrest two Buddhist suspects over an attack against the commercial activities of Muslims in a state in northern Myanmar. Terror and suspicion prevail in the Muslim minority. Archbishop Bo reiterates Pope Francis's call for a "community of love" that can "put an end to decades of conflict and oppression."

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  • Fireworks to light up Han River skies

    Fireworks to light up Han River skies

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The sixth Da Nang International Fireworks Competition will light up the Han River on April 29, starting with a performance from Russian fireworks centre Khan.

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  • `The collapse of the factory brings together the elements of discontent: explosive situation`

    'The collapse of the factory brings together the elements of discontent: explosive situation'

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    In recent weeks there have been attacks on Hindu temples and Buddhist communities, this alerts religious minorities, including Christians. As Catholic missionaries, we peacefully promote Christian values of dialogue, fraternity, love of neighbor, with ...

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  • WCC general secretary calls for end to increased tension on Korean peninsula

    WCC general secretary calls for end to increased tension on Korean peninsula

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, has called for an end to the increase of tensions on the Korean peninsula and encourages the parties involved to move immediately to dialogue about peace, reconciliation and reunification.

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  • Archbishop to step in on Sabah conflict

    Archbishop to step in on Sabah conflict

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    The head of the country's bishops’ conference yesterday said he will bring the conflict between Malaysia and the Sulu Sultanate to the attention of the Vatican. Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu made the assurance after meeting with the...

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  • Court grants Easter holiday for Christian workers

    Court grants Easter holiday for Christian workers

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Christians working for the federal government will get Good Friday and Easter off, the High Court said on Tuesday after a petition from the All India Christian Council.

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  • Card. Zen: The Pope’s great overture to China, held in check by the Vatican and Beijing

    Card. Zen: The Pope’s great overture to China, held in check by the Vatican and Beijing

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Benedict XVI has made important gestures towards China and its Church. But even now the Beijing government demands ultimate power over faithful and bishops. The Vatican dicasteries, overly concerned with compromise, failed to sufficiently support the pope’s line of...

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  • Tribe mixes tradition with the Bible to preserve way of life

    Tribe mixes tradition with the Bible to preserve way of life

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    "We have found new faith in Christ but we haven’t forgotten our past,” says Marak. One of the key positive influences of Western Christianity on the Garo was the introduction of the Roman alphabet used to transliterate Garo,...

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  • Bangladesh: More than half a million residents face displacement and food shortages

    Bangladesh: More than half a million residents face displacement and food shortages

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Catastrophic floods have ravaged communities in several districts leaving more than half a million people stranded, officials said today. The Brahmaputra River and its tributaries have burst their banks in many places, due to unexpected heavy downpours over the past few days, said Chandranath Basak, director general of Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Ministry.

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  • Self-Proclaimed `Messiah` Rev. Sun Myung Moon dies at 92

    Self-Proclaimed 'Messiah' Rev. Sun Myung Moon dies at 92

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Founding his religion in Seoul, Korea in 1954, after the Korean War ended, Moon claimed that Jesus Christ personally appeared to him and instructed him to complete his unfinished work. Moon, through his own personal interpretation of the Bible which orthodox Christians rejected, forged an eclectic religious system built upon a "Divine Principle" through which he sought to unify all religions.

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  • N. Koreans to watch London Games

    N. Koreans to watch London Games

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    North Koreans will be able to watch the Olympic Games, which start today. Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) has contracted to provide the reclusive communist state with TV and radio coverage.

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  • Sri Lanka: A 450 km walk brings peace to pilgrims

    Sri Lanka: A 450 km walk brings peace to pilgrims

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    “Men and women of all ages take part in the pilgrimage,” Vadivel said. “It a spiritually fulfilling act. My intention is to take the pain of walking over 450 kilometers to get to spiritual enlightenment.”

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  • Vietnam: Illiteracy and hunger haunt Hmong girls

    Vietnam: Illiteracy and hunger haunt Hmong girls

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Local families usually have five to 10 children each and suffer from food shortages six to nine months a year, Tinh said. Most of the 800 local children suffer from malnutrition and a dozen of them under five die from malnutrition each year. None of the commune’s 1,600 people goes on to college.

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  • India: Assam floods claim at least 30

    India: Assam floods claim at least 30

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Upwards of 2,000 villages have been caught up in the flooding which Indian officials said was made worse after neighboring Bhutan opened a dam gate. More than 150,000 people are being housed in 173 relief camps, officials said.

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  • Child rights in the agenda ASEAN civil society conference

    Child rights in the agenda ASEAN civil society conference

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    CRC Asia together with the NGO Committee for the Rights of the Child (NGO CRC) organized the child rights workshop during the 2012 ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF).The workshop’s theme was “Ensuring Child Rights in the ASEAN Agenda” and served as a venue for civil society groups and children to express their concerns and recommendations for ASEAN.

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  • Cambodian children celebrated the International Children’s Day

    Cambodian children celebrated the International Children’s Day

    2/6/2016 10:31:10 AM
    Cambodia ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1992. Several child rights organizations, including children and young people, have made several efforts to promote and protect the rights mentioned in the CRC. One way to promote the implementation of the CRC is by celebrating the International Children’s Day that take place every 1st of June.

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