Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences celebrates 50 years

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Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences celebrates 50 yearsCelebrations are underway as the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) marks fifty years of its existence, beginning on Monday with an inauguration at the shrine of Thai martyred priest, Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung. The events are taking place in the context of its first ever General Conference.

The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences is celebrating its fifty-year anniversary.

For the occasion, the FABC will gather for its first-ever General Conference on August 22 in Thailand. It will begin with an inauguration at the shrine of Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, the first martyred priest in the history of modern Thailand, located in Bangkok.

The General Conference event is being streamed live at https://www.fabc2020.org. It will examine how the Church in Asia can continue to become ‘Good News’ in light of emerging realities.

The Conference participants will also discuss how the FABC can more effectively serve and support the bishops and their conferences, and how the Church on the continent can contribute to a better Asia.

Prayers are requested following the August 22 inauguration for the success of the gathering.

The first meeting of the FABC was convened in Hong Kong in 1971, and it was officially constituted in 1972. The episcopal conference association was founded after the Apostolic Journey of Pope St. Paul VI to the Philippines.

Vatican News Staff Reporter
Source: vaticannews.va