Pope Benedict XVI: the Church is like a garden where all the seeds of vocation can germinate

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World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Benedict XVI ordains nine new priests, eight for the diocese of Rome and one for Vietnam. "The Lord always calls, but often we do not listen. We are distracted by many things, other more superficial voices." The 'essence of the priesthood "to be ever more closely united to Christ."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "The Lord is always calling, but many times we do not listen. We are distracted by many things, by other more superficial noises, and then we are afraid to hear the voice of the Lord, because we think it might take away our freedom". 

Pope Benedict XVI's reflections today, World Day of Prayer for Vocations, is dedicated to the vocation. Speaking to 40 thousand people in St. Peter's Square to pray the Regina Coeli he offers the invitation to pray that the Church and every Christian community "may be like a  watered garden where all the seeds of vocation that God sows in abundance can germinate and grow".

Before the Marian prayer - which replaces the Angelus during this period - the Pope celebrated Mass in the basilica during which he ordained nine deacons priests, drawn from the Roman diocesan seminaries. Eight become priests for the diocese of Rome, one formed at the Almo Capranica College, was ordained for the Diocese of Bui Chu (Vietnam).

Benedict XVI reminded the people who thronged the square of this, asking them to gather "spiritually around these new priests and pray that they may fully welcome the grace of the sacrament that has conformed them to Jesus, Priest and Shepherd. And we pray that all young people are attentive to the voice of God that speaks to their heart inwardly and calls them to break away from everything to serve Him".

The purpose of the present day "The young people I have consecrated priests today are no different from other young people, but have been deeply touched by the beauty of God's love, and could not help but respond with their whole life. How have met the love of God? They met it in Jesus Christ in his Gospel, the Eucharist and the Church community. In the Church we find that the life of every man is a love story. The Sacred Scripture clearly shows it and it is confirmed by the testimony of the saints".

"In particular - he added - families are the primary place in which the love of God" breathes ", which gives inner strength even in the midst of difficulties and trials of life. Those who experience God in the family, receive a priceless gift, which bears fruit in its time".

The 'essence of the priesthood "to be ever more closely united to Christ" was instead the focus of  Benedict XVI's homily at the Mass celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica, during which he ordained priests 9 deacons from Roman diocesan seminaries. Eight become priests for the diocese of Rome, one formed at the Almo Capranica College, was ordained for the Diocese of Bui Chu (Vietnam).

"In this perspective - he said among other things - the formulas of the rite of ordination of priests are oriented towards this. For example, among the questions that concern the 'obligations of the elect," the last, which has a culminating  character and succinctly states: "Do you want to be more closely united to Christ the high priest, and as a pure victim offered himself to the Father for us, devoting yourself to God along with him for the salvation of all men?." The priest is he that has entered in a special way into the mystery of Christ's sacrifice, with a personal union with Him, to extend his saving mission. This union, which is accomplished through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, asks to become "ever closer" through the generous correspondence of the priest himself. Therefore, dear presbyterates, soon you will answer this question, saying:" Yes, with God's help, I want it. "Then, at the moment of anointing with Chrism, the celebrant says: "The Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, holds you for the sanctification of his people and for offering the sacrifice." And then, at the consigning of bread and wine: "Receive the offerings of the holy people for the Eucharistic sacrifice. Know what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord." stands out strongly, for the priest, celebrate Mass every day does not mean performing a ritual but a mission that fully and deeply involves their entire existence, in communion with the resurrected Christ in his Church, continuing to implement his redeeming sacrifice".

"This dimension of the Eucharist-sacrifice is inseparable from the pastoral mission and constitutes the core of truth and saving power, which depends on the effectiveness of each activity. Of course we do not speak of effectiveness only on a psychological or social level, but of the vital fecundity of the presence of God at a deep human level. the same preaching, works, acts of various kinds that the Church does with its many initiatives, would lose their salvific fecundity without the celebration of Christ's sacrifice. And that is entrusted to ordained priests. In fact, the priest is called to live in himself what Jesus experienced first hand, that is, to give himself fully to preaching and healing of man from every evil of body and spirit, and then eventually , bringing everything to the supreme form of "giving one's  life" for all, a gesture which finds its expression in the sacramental Eucharist, perpetual memorial of the Passover of Jesus. It is only through this "door" of the Paschal sacrifice that men and women of all times and places can enter eternal life, it is through this "holy way" that they may make an exodus which leads to the "promised land" of true freedom, the "green pastures" of peace and joy without end". Dear ordinants, may this Word of God illuminate your whole life. And when the weight of the cross is heavy, know that this is the most precious moment for you and for those entrusted to you: renewing your "yes in faith and love "Yes, with the help of God I want this "You will cooperate with Christ the High Priest and Good Shepherd, to feed his sheep - perhaps only the one that was lost, but for which a great celebration is made in Heaven".

Source: www.asianews.it

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