Pope calls on young people to counter daily vanity of consumer society

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Angelus in memory of WYD. The World Youth Days is not "a flash in the pan", moments of enthusiasm but an ends in themselves, stages of a long journey. "Let us always remember: young people do not follow the Pope, they follow Jesus Christ carrying His cross. And the Pope guides them and accompanies them on this journey of faith and hope."

Pope calls on young people to counter daily vanity of consumer society

"Confronting daily vanities, the poison of the void that creeps into our society based on profit and possession, that deceives young people with consumerism." This is the challenge facing the young people who filled the World Day of Rio de Janeiro with enthusiasm, for whom Pope Francis asks us to pray, so that the WYD is not "a flash in the pan" and "so they can translate this experience into their daily journey, into their every day conduct, and also translate into major life choices, responding to the Lord's personal call".

An Angelus the Pope dedicated to that "Sunday" in the city of Rio. There were maybe 30 thousand people in the square, "I thank you for your presence, despite the heat," the Pope tells them adding, "but there are so many young people in the square, it seems like Rio de Janeiro"

"Last Sunday - says Francis- I was in Rio de Janeiro. It was the concluding Mass and the end of the World Youth Day. Together I think we all thank God for the great gift that was this event was, for Brazil, for Latin America and the entire world. It was a new stage in the pilgrimage of young people across continents with the Cross of Christ. We must never forget that the World Youth Days are not 'a flash in the pan', moments of enthusiasm, an ends within themselves, they are stages of a long journey, which began in 1985, on the initiative of Pope John Paul II. Trusting young people the Cross he said: Go, and I will come with you! And so it was, and this pilgrimage of young people has continued with Pope Benedict, and I thank God I was able to experience this wonderful event in Brazil. Always remember: young people do not follow the Pope, they follow Jesus Christ carrying His cross. And the Pope will guide them accompanying them on this journey of faith and hope. "

"I thank so all the young people who participated, even at the cost of sacrifices. And I thank the Lord for the other meetings I had with the pastors and the people of that great country that is Brazil, as well as authorities and volunteers. Brazilians are great people, good people. May the Lord reward all those who have worked for this great celebration of faith. I would like to ask you to pray with me for this intention: that young people who participated in the World Youth Day can translate this experience into their daily journey, into their every day conduct, and they can also translate into major life choices, responding to the Lord's personal call. "

Pope calls on young people to counter daily vanity of consumer society

"Today in the liturgy resoundswith the word provocative of Qoheleth:" Vanity of vanities ... all is vanity "(1:2). Young people are particularly sensitive to the void of meaning and values ​​that often surrounds them. And unfortunately they are paying the consequences. Instead, an encounter with the living Jesus, in His great family which is the Church, fills their heart with joy, because it fills them with real life, a deep well that does not run dry and does not rot: we have seen this on the faces of the young people in Rio. But this experience has to confront daily vanities, the poison of void that creeps into our society based on profit and possession that deceives young people with consumerism. The Gospel this Sunday reminds us of the absurdity of basing our happiness on possession. The rich man says to himself: My soul, you have stored up many goods ... rest, eat, drink, be merry!"' But God said to him, 'You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?' (cf. Lk 12.19 to 20.) True wealth is love of God, shared with others. Who experiences this does not fear death, and receives peace of heart. I entrust this intention to the intercession of the Virgin Mary. "

After the Marian prayer, the Pope Francis had "a special memory for the priests and for all the priests of the world, because today is the feast of their patron saint: St. John Mary Vianney. Dear brothers, may we be united in prayer and pastoral charity". "I would also like - he concluded - to remember the liturgical feast of the Transfiguration, wich will be tomorrow, with a thought of deep gratitude to the Venerable Pope Paul VI, who departed from this world on the evening of 6 August, 35 years ago."

Source: asianews.it (Aug. 4, 2013)

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